We already know you don’t listen to input. The business model and money drive what was once an enjoyable hobby. The incessant badgering about the new block editor (which isn’t new anymore) is reminiscent of the crazy world of Windows 10 when it was forced on the world. We get it, just throw the damn switch already! I’ve been using it for months now, Why do I have to cancel a “Welcome to the new editor” popup this morning? I am fortunate that I use my desktop mostly, as from what I have gathered, the mobile versions of the new block editor, or should we call it what it is, Web page creator, just stink. Mostly unusable from what I gather on some devices.
Try doing it quietly
And while I’m in this ill mood because many great bloggers I know are talking of walking away to other platforms, let me clue you in on another stupid idea. WordPress security. You mean well, but for the love of all that is holy, stop putting out the alerts expounding on how you found twenty zillion vulnerabilities in this or that plugin, that is used by hundreds of thousands of WP sites. Makes one think perhaps they shouldn’t log into their WP site, let along use or purchase an add-on in your massive plugin/theme store. Try doing it quietly in the background, unless you actually have an ego the size of Jupiter that needs this attention. If half as much effort had been put into the launching of the new editor, as the scary security alarms the Guttenbust editor would have been a wonder to behold.
Here’s a novel thought. Maybe have those teams of highly paid security units, vet the plugins BEFORE they are released, and not scare the bejesus out of the rest of us. It’s getting depressing reading all the security holes in WP add-ons. Actually, you’re starting to convince me, that perhaps I should look elsewhere for a blogging platform.
Okay, thanks for patching them. However, why even mention it.
Moments ago, the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team published details about two vulnerabilities that were discovered and patched in Facebook for WordPress, a plugin installed on over 500,000 sites.
email this morning.
Okay, thanks for patching them. However, why even mention it. It doesn’t instill a lot of confidence knowing they were there in the first place.
Please, stop fidgeting with my defaults. Every time you update something, I have to go on a safari to find simple things that used to just “be there” because I used them before. Like this morning. I wanted a simple “Quote” block. Clicking for a new block gave me..
First. WTH is a Eventbrite Checkout or a cute and cuddly sounding Calendy. I simply wanted to use a quote block that I had used before, and should have been there at my fingertips for convenience. No, I have to wade through business site related options that I will never use. Maybe a rebranding from WordPress to SitePress would be more appropriate at this point.
Please. Just stop trying to help me.
Comments from actual bloggers welcome. Don’t worry, if the way we comment has been changed I’ll wait.
As of this morning, I am still able to use the old Classic. But I get the feeling that it won’t be long before WP removes all my blogging comfort and confidence that has taken over 8 years to build. When I was constantly moaning about the Block Editor in 2019/2020, someone commented that I could write a blog post in MS Word or Open Office, and add the links too. Then just copy and paste the whole page onto one ‘Classic Block’. I haven’t tried that yet, but I am holding it in reserve.
Best wishes, Pete.
WordPress does so well because of its community of bloggers and the easy way to find one another. I can just about bet it is going to go full new editor at some point. I started months ago learning it, and now it doesn’t bother me. Other than things keep moving and changing in the menus.
I’m also curious if my notification emails have adverts in them since I am self-hosted.
I will check on the ads, and let you know.
I am still using the Classic option. If they ever remove that, then I am looking elsewhere. Admittedly my WP is free, and there is the “you get what you pay for” perspective …. but take away Classic and I am still outta here! 🙂
I just posted a comment it went under Anonymous!!!!! Yup … WP future is really questionable! It looks like I am not connecting with WP … but it’s me … colinandray.com 🙂
I agree, free is pretty good. This coming and going of identity drives me batty as well. No idea why your anonymous, but that is the way of things. Tomorrow it will probably be back to normal. I have been researching other platforms, but WP seems to be better than them, even with all its quirks. I don’t think I can beat the community connections in WP. I would never have found all of you. I blogged to myself for nearly 4 years, before stumbling on the “free” option. Then I had access to the “Reader” and found many of you.
There are times though, that I think what I get for “free” may not be good enough. If the anonymous bugs drive off potential readers and followers, then free isn’t work it.
I thought I was the only dinosaur still clinging to the old classic editor.
Nope, I clung to it for a good while. but having operated a forum for the last 13 years, I could see the handwriting on the wall, and knew they would not want to support two versions of an editor. The Gutenberg method is more of a business/webpage building operation. That will attract commercial types.
I would have loved for them to nave never changed it, but they have.
Boogers. Seems like they are looking to get commercial customers. More money.
Just when you get accustomed to the new version…..change is inevitable. 😉
I took it as a challenge and overcame it for the most part. Now if they would just stop tinkering with the small stuff, and causing changes in defaults that we set, and fix the anonymous bug or explain it to us so we can work around it, that would be a great improvement.
Hi Ron – I just went into my site to work on a Post for Saturday, and did not recognize where I was. I have no doubt that if I really persevered I could figure things out, but I am getting tired of change. This could well be the “writing on the wall” for me. We’ll see. (meandray if it posts anonymous!!!!) 🙂
Okay, so it’s not just me. Selection boxes are generally coded so that a person can see what they recently used, or at least that is what I thought WP had touted when they started the block thingy. Or, you can code it where it displays new options to “promote” new blocks. Apparently someone love playing with stuff. I want my recently used options to be there, so I don’t have to hunt for them each time they do an update.
It seems, WP is king of the hill at this point from what I have researched. 35% of the market share. However, as they said in the old west. There’s always a faster gun, just waiting.
There seems to be quite a number of highly rated alternatives out there. Some do charge, but there are others who do not. While all the host companies are business focused, they do seem to offer “stripped down” versions for those of us who are not running a business. As I have no revenue making interests, and just need to personalize my Home page ,,, there does appear to be a number of possibilities.
As for WP being the highest volume users? That does nothing for me because if I decide to change (an alternative is to stop completely and get on with other interests), then I will simply post the new site address on WP for anybody who is interested, and then let providence take over at the new site.
I have not decided to leave WP at this point in time, but I am so close that it is almost inevitable. I have a number of other competing interests, and the excessive time needed to ponder WP’s latest tinkering is no longer acceptable.
On another track. If you plan on always using WP, (i suppose I will) best get to learning that new editor. If they do flip the doomsday switch on the classic editor you may face horrors trying to edit older classic posts. I know I have.
I feel your pain! All of which reassures me that I’m not nuts in still using the “classic” editor!
BTW who the heck tries to create web sites on their phone?!?!
You might want to jump on in the water, Ellie. Before they throw you in. I used the classic for a good while before giving in and using the block editor.
That would be tough, trying to create a site on my phone. I met a guy online that had created a super large program using windows notepad. He did it on his computer, but he didn’t use a HTML editor like many people. I can’t imagine trying that.
I’m going to attempt to use the WP app on my phone and see how bad it is to use. Wish me luck.
I feel your angst in reading this post Ron. I ONLY went to the block editor in April 2019 as our computer guy was supposed to roll out Windows 10 and new accounting software and I did not want my head flooded with too much new stuff to learn at once. We still are using Windows 7, so I could have similarly languished with the Classic Editor (or some variation of it) awhile longer. I only post twice a week, but invariably there is always something new or something I used has moved and I can’t find it. This last time, I swear they changed the font in my theme. My biggest bugaboo of late is the disappearing post. In general, I set my posts to launch at 5:00 a.m., sometimes earlier if it is a holiday for my fellow bloggers around the world. I check in the morning … the post is there in Reader; I check again later – vanished. It comes back later in the day and appears in its original place in the queue. Annoying and they (WP) cannot figure out why it happens.
Seems to be a rash of the “I have no idea why” regarding strange things.
I can reply to posts, return later and check the dashboard for unread posts, and it shows them again as unread. Then on the next check they are marked read. Keeps me confused, so I always reply from the post itself instead of the dashboard.
That would drive me crazy Ron. I am often behind in Reader as are others, so I’d have to be checking more than one post. Exasperating!
It is clear as I look at the various choices for blocks that humble writers like us are way down the list of who they are after. Oh well, it still works for me.