There’s a toilet, on my back porch. So goes Christmas here with the Griswolds. Three weeks ago, the brother-in-law was laid off work in Louisiana. So he locates work here, and needs a place to stay (squat). Then his wife suddenly needs to come here because her mother is having lung surgery, how can you say no to that.
At least, there are no children, or large Rottweiler as in the movie. There are however, four Dachshunds. They do the potty parade every three hours, starting at 5am. Oh, they tend to bark during the parade as well.
The idea he presented, was having a place to stay for a couple weeks, he could do some things here that I no longer can. Like the guest bathroom (small one) needed the floor replaced. I had already torn the floor out. It’s been three weeks, there is still a toilet on the back porch. I have been thinking of going out there one morning, and just sit on it and read the news. That way I can tell the neighbors it’s new deck furniture.
Unlike the Griswold Christmas Vacation movie, at least they called ahead, so I could approve my own torture. Christmas will come and go, and everyone “will go home”, if they have to flip burgers for a job.
So I wish all of your family a very Merry Christmas.
The Griswolds,
No one can stay here longer than 3 days. After that I give them a list of the local shelters! You are a good person. Yep, read your paper on that toilet!
At least reading the paper, will put it to use, Thanks, Kate. I really like the list of shelters idea.
LOL Your new deck furniture may start a new trend!
That, is a interesting thought. I can see the local paper headlines now.
“Local man, starts trend with porcelain deck furniture”.
Tank could be a planter, a solar light powered light in the bowl, just leave the lid up at night for that soft garden light look.
Plays a jingle when guests push the handle.
I haven’t seen the film, but I can imagine the consternation in your home at the moment, Ron. You have my sympathy.
My very best wishes to you and yours for a Happy Christmas.
You should really check out the movie, Pete. It’s become a tradition around here, like in the old days when they played The Wizard of Oz, around Halloween.
I think it’s time to move the toilet to the bed where your guests are sleeping.
I love your thinking, Janis. It would make a nice bedside piece, until he finishes the bathroom. A great motivational item!
Ron, my dear buddy, you have a heart of gold and a toilet on your deck? Oh my… but karma is real and you have earned your way to heaven.
Thank you, Lara/Trace. If the deck furniture idea takes off, someone may send me there in a hurry. Then again, I may change the world.
How are the weiner dogs doing with the Great Danes? I so missed your tales, awful as they can be.
The wiener dogs, are hanging in there. The youngest one plays with Annabelle, Michelle’s Dane. It wears a small vest most of the time, the vest has a puppy poo bag dispenser built in it. It also has a sturdy low profile handle on it. I noticed Annabelle loves to grab it and drag the pup through the living room area. Apparently the pup enjoys it.
I need to mingle a bit, and see what is going on around the TrailerHood. I just fear, too much contact and I may start feeling like one. I do have some material about the native life in these parts, I suppose it could be included.
Don’t hold back. Spill the dirt on the park!
I hope that you never really fit in there!
Hope you survive the holidays with a smile intact. Merry Christmas back your way Ron.
Merry Christmas to you, as well. If I don’t make it through this Griswold Christmas, I’ll have Michelle post my room number at the Asylum.
Sending Best Wishes. ?
Oh! My! What next? You live the most far-fetched life I’ve ever heard of.
Thanks for the comment, Anne. Just wait, there are some things I have seen in the last few months, that may be interesting to some. If for nothing else, the novelty of how some choose to live. Then, there are those that just can’t do any better. I better go empty the pitcher that is catching a leak in the window. See you later.
I love seeing your name come up, because I enjoy your stories no end.
Thanks, Anne. If it makes just one person smile it’s worth telling.
I’m smiling.
Are they gone yet???? ?
Sadly, no. He used to do this to his mother each year. Show up when the work had run out in his area. It’s not going to happen on my watch. I recited the line from the Movie (which his wife has never seen), “Can I get you something else Scott? (his name) more egg nog? Take you out into the desert and leave you for dead”?
Goes right over his head. Don’t you need some House sitters?