I’ll say Merry Christmas thank you.

Somewhere along the way our identity has been stolen from us. We are Americans and for generations  have greeted one another with Merry Christmas. We have seen that tradition slowly eroded away by New Age, New citizens and just people bored and want to try something new.

“You” came here from somewhere else or “You” decided to change your thoughts or traditions on Christmas, the rest of us did not. If you don’t like it, be polite and say thank you like all the proud Americans before you. Pretend I am saying Happy Holidays if that makes your boat float. I will not be offended if you greet me in your native tradition’s greeting. Many young American kids have died defending this country and the freedom to express ourselves as we wish, so please stop trying to make everyone conform to your thoughts on how Christmas should be.

I will greet you with Merry Christmas and a smile. I will never say Happy Holiday or call it a Holiday Tree. To do so would cheapen all the sacrifices made by great men and women to secure the right for me to say what I want.

If you’re not happy here then try moving somewhere else. I’m sure they have a nice drafty dungeon where you can shout your holiday greetings as loud as you want. Then you can thank them for being so understanding. I’m sure after a few short hours you will miss the good old USA and wish for a Merry Christmas or whatever you call it and realize that you had it so good.

Merry Christmas to all.

Comments Welcome

3 thoughts on “I’ll say Merry Christmas thank you.

  1. Loved this post and so apt too.
    in my university( American branch campus)- till last year, they told us, don’t send emails wishing any one Merry Christmas as it might offend some but Happy New Year is ok.
    I was upset to say the least.
    I guess it is people who don’t know why we celebrate Xmas that have an issue with Xmas greetings.
    This last December, it suddenly became ok to have a Christmas tree and a Christmas party and Christmas greetings and all that.
    It seems these things are getting fashionable again.
    Problem is how long will the thaw last- 4 years or 8 ?

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