We thought we had heard it all. From dumping septic tank contents on another person’s property, to bounties for killing loose animals, or trying to evict tenants based on religion.
Today Michelle noticed a suspicious vehicle driving slowly through the park. As we say in the South, he looked Thuggish, complete with a “Do Rag”. She then went to check the mail. “Popeye” (name given to our female maintenance person, was cutting grass at the boxes). The mail boxes are located at the front of the park. Visible from my office window. Popeye asked Michelle If she had noticed the dark gold vehicle driving around the park. Michelle said she had, and told Popeye she didn’t think any African Americans lived in the park. Popeye says, “Oh, you’re one of those“, and made a face. Michelle said, “No, but I was trying to be politically correct and polite”.
Popeye bluntly said, “Well I’m not, We don’t want any (insert the plural N word here) in the park. Michelle asked, “What does M (the owner/manager) say about that”. “Honey” says Popeye, “M’s” more racist than I am”.
After that exchange, we may be labeled as politically correct non-racists, and perhaps undesirable. I’m going to start wearing a hidden body cam, so I can have actual video/audio of the craziness that dwells here. I can’t prove his stance having not heard it from him first hand, but she is an agent of the park since she is in his employ, We can take her assessment of him as authority to represent him. For more irony, Popeye rooms with the sweet elderly lady that holds Bible study sessions on the porch on Wednesday evenings.
It would appear, that racism is alive and well in this Redneck Trailerhood. I would like to be able to say that I am shocked, but I can’t. I’ll just continue my self-imposed hibernation from the virus.
“It’s Springtime. Speak to me, not of death, but renewal of life”– Ron
Comments always welcome.
I think it’s all over. It may not always be African-Americans as we have many middle easterners around here. You can get beat up just for looking like one.
Wow, I didn’t know it was like that towards easterners. Maybe one day, we will all learn to get along together.
Oh my goodness, yes. A good friend was dating a Turkish emigrant (legal). A group of thugs thought he was Iranian or Iraqi and beat him up. He was (and still is) a great person. Locally we have a large Syrian population. Sometimes there is backlash there too. They’ve been here for 40 years and are part of the community owning restaurants, construction companies, etc. Our black population has assimilated so we don’t have that. Lots of interracial marriages.
These people here, were brainwashed from birth. They don’t mind an illegal immagrant living or marrying somone, as long as they are not black. So sad.
That is a brain washing.
I had to look up what a ‘Do-Rag’ was. I have seen them on actors in films. Do your racist neighbours/park staff enjoy watching black actors like Ving Rhames in films, I wonder? But they don’t want them on their trailer park, naturally. In some respects, I suppose it is better that they are so blatant and open about how they feel. There is a lot of very fierce racism kept behind closed doors. At least you know what you are dealing with.
Best wishes, Pete.
I have to admit, I’ve never been that close to anyone that was hard core racist to know if they watch black actors or not. Ving Rhames is one of my favorites. I just keep my eyes and ears open and carry on.
Oh, golly!!!
That, pretty much sums it up Anne.
Dang it all. Any chance you can up and move somewhere more liberal??
Not in the near future. Things just haven’t worked out in our favor. We still hope that it will change, and we are working hard towards that goal.
Crossing my fingers for you, so that things work out the way you need them to! ??????