One of the worst things for your Blog, is not updating. While I really don’t care for auto-updating on some things, (that is just an opinion of mine) it is a good practice on sites that are not is use much. If you’ve tired of blogging, taking a long break, or have just stopped. Take a moment now and again to visit the old site. Put it in maintenance mode, or take it offline.
You are the best defense
There are those on keyboards, that for whatever reason get a perverse pleasure out of destroying others work, just to show you they can. Some do it for profit, some just do it out of meanness. You are the best defense against these things. All the security in the world is worthless, if it’s not in use. Not keeping your plugins, or sites core updated, is a recipe for disaster.
If posts are very old,
Seldom used sites, are targeted by those wishing to hone their hacking skills. The same way a burglar looks for homes newspapers strewn on the porch. If posts are very old, then there is a good chance that the site owner hasn’t been around, or kept crucial components up to date. I believe WordPress hosting (someone correct me if I’m wrong) auto updates blog sites to the latest version, along with any plugins they allow you to use. “If” you host your site (self-hosted) on another host, it may fall on you to be sure your blog is updated. I’m self-hosted. I must make sure the site and plugins are up to date.
The hackers, may have been just practicing, or
This post was prompted by a slew of emails I received this morning. A very nice couple in another country I had followed at one time. It appears like someone managed to hack into their blog since September this year, and for some odd reason went back to categories of 2017 and edited many, many posts to contain a long spilling ramble about using advertising. But no link to the advertising they left. Weird. Followers receive emails, that just lead to the junk posted. The hackers, may have been just practicing, or they may have left a program running silently for later.
This is not to say, that the blogger/s are to blame or lax in updating. You have to remember, that nothing is truly safe, from those with the skills and tools. As I tell others, it’s not if you get hacked in your lifetime, but how bad.
So take that moment, even if you don’t feel like blogging or reading. Visit your site on a semi-regular basis, make sure it doesn’t need attention, place it in maintenance if need be. Please, don’t leave low hanging fruit for cretins.
Comments, questions, always welcomed.
Luckily, I rarely miss a day on my blog, so it’s so far, so good. But I have been hacked badly on email addresses in the past, with all my contacts sent links to porn, or selling-sites. So it’s good advice, Ron.
Best wishes, Pete.
I’m glad you liked it Pete. Many eons ago I had a paypal account hacked. Weak password, I started learning after that $300 mistake. I’ve had a couple email accounts compromised as well.
That is something that never would have occurred to me. Thanks.
Hopefully, you never have a problem Elizabeth. You are the best security you can have.
Good advice. (Animals Are Feeling Beings Too)
Oh I see my Gravatar is showing up on your site now. Yay!
Yes, I see it also. Glad it showed back up.
Thanks for all the advice/tips, Ron! Glad I caught up with this, finally!