My spelling is already bad, I don’t need help from auto correct

Technology is great, up to a certain point. Smart phone can be entertaining when you want to try out the speech to text typing. Being a total failure at typing on a smart phone, I tend to try the talk-to-text option. The wife and I, have taken to making fun of it when it generates some crazy mistakes.

Generally, it works well. However, if you have background noise, or in Michelle’s case on this day, taken a ton of cold medicine, it can miss the mark by a mile.

She was groggy from the cold medicine, trying to talk-to-text since she couldn’t see well through the medicine induced blurry vision. The following is a short text exchange between her and me. You’ll notice my lack of punctuation, I just string it together when I use the talk-to text, rather than stop and use the keys.

So, I fired one back of crazy talk, just to see what it would do. It got it 100% right. It gave her a laugh at least. She calls me boo or honey not hobey, and she said it wouldn’t even understand her curse words when she became frustrated with it. Of course the window AC was loud, and the NyQuil slurred her speech.

Ever have crazy things come out of your talk-to-text AI?
Comments welcome,

22 thoughts on “My spelling is already bad, I don’t need help from auto correct

  1. Ron, I have never used talk to text. Over here, we already have to constantly fight against ‘American spellings’, with many of our words underlines as ‘mistakes’. ‘Night’, Honour’, ‘Tyre’ ‘Harbour’, ‘Realise’, and so on…If we left it to the phone, our friends and relatives would think we had gone to live in the US.
    (This PC is underlining those words as I type them. Grrr…English came from England, after all. 🙂 )
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. When my daughter was younger, one of the moms was taking them to great adventure. I asked when she was leaving and the reply came back “I’ll be a lesbian at 8am” To which I replied “only then?”

  3. Oh Ron! I lol’d!!! I’ve had this happen so many times, mainly because I have short fat (I mean wide?) fingers, so when I type on my phone (not like now), I make many errors which Autocorrect then tries to fix – and often gets them wrong. I can’t remember examples but it often does this thing which really bugs the heck out of me (I notice it up there in your example too!): It changes U (short for ‘you’) to a capital I. Because after all, ‘U’ must be a typo, it thinks, right? WRONG! Argh! Of course changing U to I changes the entire meaning of the sentence. 🙁 Bottom line though: it’s funny!

  4. I wish I could remember some of the outrageous “corrections” that my word processor and phone have made to my writing. I loved getting to read yours. The Sea?

    1. I was half expecting it to auto-correct to some sort of semblance, but it typed everything, just as I said it. Of course, it didn’t help Michelle much in her Ny-Quil induced stupor.

    1. I’m grateful for the spellchecks. I get in a hurry at times, and forget to add a space, or transpose a letter or two. So it has prompted me to re-read my posts before hitting send.

  5. John often complains about the things that come up when he types a reply. When I send out a really wacky one, I just laugh and assume the recipient will laugh, too.

    1. Most people laugh at them. I had one though, that appeared to be genuine that I sent to someone. They called me for clarification, and I was left red faced.

  6. Waaaaay too funny! Autocorrect is my archenemy. Combined with fat thumbing texts all on my own, autocorrect definitely contributes to my text-challenged status! It’s always good for a laugh! 🙂

    1. I agree, my thumbs are big as well, and they manage to get at least two characters at the same time. Where is all the artificial intelligence, when we need it. This Ai, seems more like a demonic clown, gleefully waiting for me to talk to it.

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