“Pepe”, is our new rescue. A long haired Chihuahua breed that may be as old as 16. Michelle received a call from someone in the trailer park where we lived about Pepe and his pending doom.
It seems Pepe belongs to the elderly lady that everyone calls Granny. After suffering a stroke recently, her daughter has offered to let her live with them. Pepe however, could not go with Granny. Granny has been the owner of Pepe for about seven years. It was not known how old he may have been when she acquired him, but they say he was quite old.
Sad that no one wants an older dog. Sad that an elderly person has to let go of a companion she’s had for seven years. If a home was not found for Pepe soon, the daughter was going to surrender Pepe to the pound, where he would most likely be put to sleep due to his age. We knew Pepe from hearing him out in his yard. Pepe has a screeching cry when he wants to come back in. My first impression when we moved there, was someone was torturing a dog.

Granny was about to cry when we picked up Pepe from her. She sent his small round bed and some food, and a sign that a granddaughter had made for Pepe. Of course, the cutest part was the misspelling of his name by a child. I’m afraid I was about to have tears appear myself while the exchange was taking place. We promised to let her come see him anytime since we are going to allow him to become a permanent part of our pet family. We grew attached to him just seeing him on walks when he would run to the fence to greet us.
So we packed his bed, and Tupperware container of food she wanted to send with him, and the sign.
Pepe is fitting right in with everyone else in the household. He doesn’t seem upset, but that is the way dogs are. I’m sure he is sad and confused not seeing Granny. He curls up on Annabelle’s bed if he gets there first. Something about seeing a small fluffy dog in her Great Dane bed, doesn’t impress her.

It’s great he is fitting in, no snapping or food aggression. He does however have the habit of giving out his howl around three am each night. That will sure wake you from a good slumber. He just wants to get in bed with you. I can forgive him that, after what he is going through. Granny had mentioned the three am habit, but I took the remark as some levity to avoid crying. She was correct, he has an internal clock for three am.
Comments, always welcome.
Kind of you to take on Pepe in his old age. I know that you will give him a loving home for his final years, although the 3 am howl might have to stop. 🙂
Best wishes, Pete.
I’ve gotten very soft in these gray years. I am working on that howl at 3 am. I have a very small and soft pillow that I toss over there near him. It startles him enough, that he gets quiet. At least till I’m back to sleep.
Thank goodness for you and Michelle to show such kindness and rescue him.
I felt it was the only thing to do, since we knew the lady. I would hate for him to be put down. He sure is a sweet dog.
Y’all have very kind hearts. God bless you for that.
Thank you, Anne. Too many are abandoned or mistreated. So we try to do our part if we have the means.
You are kind people.
There is a special place in Heaven for people who are kind to animals. Pepe didn’t deserve the fate that he would have found had you not stepped in.