This, is just a short (or hopefully short) instruction on how to at least get your posting done, using the new WordPress editor. I have been using it since shortly after the initial beta release. It has improved, but as with all new things, it will take some getting used to.
I’m not following the click this, click that, method, but showing you the shortcuts you can use, so you can get to posting without spending hours on trying to find all the cute options scattered throughout. Are you ready? Lets go!
I hope this helps someone get started with simple posting. Comments always welcome.
Thanks Ron! I was avoiding using the new Word Editor, but I see we won’t have a choice now, so this helps!
You’re most welcome. I hope it helps some when you make the change. Thanks for letting me know.
Actually we will have a choice. As soon as my daughter – the WP techie will explain it to me, I’ll explain it to you! Lol.
Oh, sounds good!! ?
Looking forward to that, Ellie. Thanks.
Thank you! I have been putting the change off, hoping it would go away… but it looks like WP is determined to drag us kicking and screaming into the new editor platform. My post layouts are pretty simple so your video probably covers most of what I need. Maybe for my next post, I’ll be brave.
There are many blog posts on this now. I just made one in a hurry, to show how easy it is to do a post. Jump on in, Janis. You should have been here when it first came out, what a mess! Things would change position day to day, options came and went. It seems settled in now. I actually enjoy using it. Thanks for the comment, and keep on blogging.
I am a procrastinator by nature. Perhaps this tendency worked in my favor this time since WP took a while to get things worked out.
Hi Ron – I have been using it since April 2019. There are new tweaks they are adding all the time. At times it has frustrated me, including this latest tweak where the available blocks are on the left-hand side and sometimes the preview does not work – it is a work in progress I guess.
It has come a long way since they first put it out there to try. The schedule option is nutty. You have to click on the button “Immediately” to get the scheduler. Many new people will be afraid to click a button that indicates you are publishing “Immediately” 🙂
I agree with you Ron and I got tripped up with that Scheduler – initially I got into the Block Editor after Hugh of the blog “Hugh’s News and Views” urged bloggers to bite the bullet way back in April 2019. He urged followers to start a new post and immediately schedule it far into the future to avoid hitting “schedule post” by mistake instead of “preview” and then when finished your draft, schedule it for the “real date” you want. At that time I was doing most posts in real time and not pre-scheduling. But when I started doing pre-scheduling, my posts would publish at the scheduled time, but not appear in Reader for many hours later. It was annoying especially if it was a holiday-related post. Finally a Happiness Engineer figured it out – I was prompted to “return to draft mode?” but I thought to myself “I’m not returning to draft mode as this post is ready to schedule.” So I bypassed it – that was my problem. It has been fine since then and posting simultaneously in Reader and on my blog. Also a bit of a pain, is I like to justify my text and had to do an extra step now (which I didn’t have to do until I was using the Block Editor several months) … I draft in Microsoft Word and cut and paste it over … but now, not so fast! It still was ragged on the right-hand side. So now I have to draft in Word, cut-and-paste into Notepad and then cut-and-paste again into the post from Notepad. I have never dragged the photo into the post as you said in your video – I generally upload them one at a time as I’m doing the post. Where do you drag the photos from as you said “they will then appear in your media content”? You open up your pictures folder and drag from there?
WordPress can act strange at times.
Yes, Linda. I drag and drop from my picture viewer to the post. Sometimes I have done the drag and drop from my file manager. It’s added to the media library as it’s inserted. You can place one in the post that way, then check your media library, and it should show in there as well.
If you can, let me know if it works for you.
Yes it can Ron … sometimes I can’t preview and have to save the draft, exit WordPress and go back in again and the preview works.
Other times I click preview and it’s fine.
Okay, I wondered how that worked with the photos. I use Shutterfly to store my photos and you are supposed to be able to upload photos by dragging/dropping and I’ve never been successful doing that, so I end up just selecting the photos from my photo file instead. I remember we used to be able to mass load photos to the draft but that was in Classic Editor. I would load them at the beginning of the post, then cut-and-paste my Word document into it and then move things around the post that way. I liked that. I will let you know how I do … I have a post tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday, but I did that last week.
We’ll still be able use the old (“classic”! Classic Coke, anyone? Lol!) editor. May have to hunt for the command but it’ll be there. Will let you know.
Thanks, Ellie. That will be a big help to many. I’ll be looking forward to your information.
I got too busy to post for awhile and when I came back, I got a surprise! Everything looked different. I’ve found most things again but a few are still a mystery.
Great to see you, Jen. Sometimes, life has a way of steering us in another direction. The important thing, is you’re here.
Thanks for the useful tips, Ron. I have added a link to this to my post about the change.
Best wishes, Pete.