Thanks for any input.

I have missed blogging the last few days. With several distractions taking up most of each day, thoughts and ideas for posts just seemed to elude me. I also was trying very hard to fine tune my hosting, in attempts to shave every second possible off the loading time.

I would appreciate it if you could let me know how the loading time is for you. I realize there are a myriad of variables that can affect it, but I don’t always trust the testing software. If you would leave a comment and let me know if the loading for you is average, slow, or very slow, I would appreciate it.

I want to thank all of you for the visits, and the support you show. Bloggers are truly a great community of people. I enjoy the interaction with others. Now, it’s time for me to get busy.

Comments welcome,

22 thoughts on “Thanks for any input.

  1. I have a fairly modern PC (5 years old) with a direct Internet input via a home broadband router. Your posts always load instantly for me, Ron, even with images. However, I don’t use wi-fi at all.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Ellie. I’m self hosted so have to maintain my installation myself. I have less horsepower than a WordPress hosted site, so I have to tweak for maximum performance for visitors to have a nice experience. Hopefully I have it balanced now. Does it load okay for you? or is it really slow. Thanks for the comment and suggestion. Always great to see you.

    1. Thanks Maggie, I do appreciate the input. It’s nice knowing how it’s responding in the real world setting instead of depending on a website to tell me.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I started this post because the crazy testing sites ( they used to be accurate) were telling me I had a 8 to 15 second loading time. I knew that just couldn’t be right. I’m hearing real input from all of you and I thank everyone.

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