About Ron

Born and raised in the South during the best of times (’60s-’70s) and learned life through trial and error. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world, Michelle.

I spent most of my life in police work of one form or another. From the humblest Animal Control to Park Ranger, Investigator, Patrolman, Teacher/Instructor in many law-enforcement areas. Then I obtained my childhood dream of being a Motorcycle Officer/Instructor. I authored the Motor Officer’s Poem found in many corners of the Internet, magazines, books, and memorials. 

I am the proud owner of a General Discussion Forum, The Country Depot. Computers, Poetry, and Photography have helped me keep my sanity in life after leaving law-enforcement. Meeting people and making friends through the keyboard has been a true bright spot in my life.

This blog is my place I can go to and relax. I love communicating with others. Blogging just seems to relax me. I’m by no means a literary genius or grammatical scholar. I come here to share and enjoy, not to be the perfect writer, although I would love to become one. If you’re looking for a chuckle once in a while about life, then this may be an enjoyable place to visit and follow. Sometimes, I have no clue what I’m doing, but I love to tinker with things.

If it’s not quite up to greatness, please check back from time to time, It’s bound to get better. A huge “Thank You”, to all the bloggers that have made me feel at home.

Contact email: ronwalkster@gmail.com
Feel free to leave a comment below.


Former Motor Officer (Instructor)
Picture from 1997

29 thoughts on “About Ron

  1. To my Brother In Arms:
    Wishing you all the Best with your blog and Well Wishes in all you do.
    Have a Safe Tour.
    (Retired Detective Sergeant/NYC)

  2. I sent a comment yesterday, but it didn’t work. Trying again.
    (Maybe because I included a link…)
    Thanks for following my blog, which is much appreciated.
    The photo here reminds me of the 1973 film, ‘Electra Glide In Blue’.
    Best wishes from England, Pete.

    1. Thanks for dropping the comment Pete. I will check on that link setting. I was having a hard time with spam a good while back so had reduced the allowed links, thanks for letting me know so I can adjust that. Apologies for the problem and you are most welcome for the follow, I enjoy your blog.

    2. I found your comment and one from another blogger that had not been approved for some reason. I was working on the blog yesterday and set something wrong as they never showed up in the dashboard queue. Thanks again.

    1. You are most welcome Mala, I follow those that interest me. I can tell I will enjoy visiting your blog. Your blog address caught my eye this morning and I thought, “That looks like a fun person to get to know about.” Thanks for the like and nice comment.

            1. I’m sorry, I should have said blog, I didn’t mean to call it an “it”, my apologies. Your blog is designed beautifully, the layout and posts are easy to follow.

  3. Very nice introduction. I’ll check out your writing. Look forward to it.

  4. Hi Ron – For some reason I could not find a Comments area for your latest Post, nor in the Feedback area … hence I am here! Just wanted to say welcome back to the Blogosphere. I must admit that while I have enjoyed most visitors to my home, I am always happy when they leave … regardless of how nice the visit was. When I visit my daughter on our west coast, I stay with her and I know very well that while she enjoys me being around for a couple of weeks, she is pleased when I leave and she can get back into her routines. She gets her home back to herself! Nothing wrong in that: 🙂

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