57 Channels (And Nothin’ On)

Bruce Springsteen once sang, “57 Channels and Nothing On” it seems we now have 100’s of channels and nothing on. Either I have been around for so many years that I have seen everything that I feel is worth watching, or I am correct that they just don’t make any new material/story lines. Has it really been done to death as they say?

Hollywood seems to have gone dry with new stories or scripts. They are coming out yet again with another King Kong movie. That movie has been done so many times it should get a nomination for most replicated movie. I swear if I see one more movie advertisement about “The Wolverine” from the X-Men I’ll scream! Just recently there was another Wolverine movie advertised as coming soon and it is called “Logan”, I wonder where will it end.

Series that don’t suck. Sorry to put it that way but television has gone crazy with shows about Teachers that manufacture Meth (Breaking Bad), Women in prison (Orange is the new Black), A movie about soccer Moms that sell Marijuana (Weeds). It seems they have axed all the decent series if they aren’t about Sex, Drugs or Criminal Enterprises. Shows like Justified, which thankfully  made it through to the end without being canceled is about the last good series from start to finish. Now everyone is enamored with Drugs, Motorcycle Gangs and Women in prisons.

The channels that show any westerns have gone totally retro to the point they show movies from 1935-1949 which is just too old for me. Memorial Day or Veteran’s Day  no longer brings about good series replayed like Band of Brothers or other classic well written War Movies.

It has gotten to the point that I look forward to shows like Svengoolie that is far more “entertaining”. His comedy and the history and information on the actors and the making of the movies, is more entertaining than current network TV. Watching how they did the old props and scenes is more entertaining to me, than all the Computer Generated Graphic scenes in Die Hard #15 or so.

I’ll leave you tonight with “The Boss” and his video of 57 Channels (And Nothing On). I’m going to bed. Check out the video for a smile if you can’t find anything to watch.

Comments welcome,

24 thoughts on “57 Channels (And Nothin’ On)

  1. I had never heard that song before, it is very cool! I don’t watch t.v. so I am glad to hear I am not missing anything! If I want to watch something I will pop a movie in the dvd player, but that is it for me. Have fun surfing channels…

    1. We have entertained the thought of turning off our TV side of the cable. Michelle reads mostly, and we have netflix and tons of DVDs that we have collected. Thanks for the comment this evening, always a pleasure to see you.

  2. We don’t watch TV, but one of us is addicted to the thought that we could if we wanted to. I last watched forever-reruns of British comedies when we lived in NY. If they show them in NC, I haven’t found them. You’ll probably sleep better for not having watched TV, if that is any comfort.

    1. I watch older movies. They are better made in my opinion. Your right I will sleep better having not watched something stupid tonight. 🙂 Thanks for the comment Anne, I always enjoy you.

  3. I feel your pain, Ron, though I have not seen many of the TV shows you mention, as they are on pay-per-view here.
    Luckily, we have some good free film channels that show modern films, and of course the BBC, which continues to bring us great British drama, with riveting series every year. On one of their channels, BBC 4, they also bring European dramas to UK audiences, and there have been so many great ones.
    I have access to 88 free channels, most of which are rubbish. I mainly watch five of those, and can always find something good to watch You need to move to the UK. Set up your double wide on one of our peaceful Park Home plots!
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Right you are Pete, I could set up over there and enjoy some peace, although it has been rather quiet around here this week. We go through periods here having a good series and then it dries up. I probably watch only about 6 channels. Of course you know those six are in the higher cost tier and not in the basic package, they have it planned to a science. Thanks for the comment on this great Friday morning.

  4. I gave up cable about 9 years ago. Haven’t missed it at all. The content held very little appeal and having to wade through the advertising? I pulled the plug.

    1. Oh Maggie, how I hate advertising! About 90% of the time I try to find something coming on and record it. That way I can fast forward through all the junk they spew.
      Thanks for the comment. I enjoy your visits.

  5. Enjoyable post, Ron! Here are two more takes from my own blog. The first is heavy on long-ago memories:

    The second continues with more nostalgia:

    Oh, and by the way, to add to your litany of the “horror” of today’s show topics, we now have: “Mary Kills People”! See ads for it? Seems she’s a doc with a thriving little euthanasia business on the side! [Insert massive eye roll]

    1. Those are two great memory posts Ellie. I enjoyed those. Such a shame to see what passes for entertainment today. Thanks for the comment.

  6. I am the kiss of death. If there is a new series that is interesting and I like it, it’s cancelled. I believe my TV is bugged by the studio execs because I am not the “target” audience. I rarely just watch TV but multitask with a Kindle.

    1. Same thing happens with me Kate. Either it starts getting good and they cancel it, or they try to run it too long and the writers get to far out in the twilight zone, and mess up the entire theme. Thanks for the comment, I’m going to check my TV and see if I can see anyone hiding in it. 🙂

  7. I watch home remodeling shows which is ridiculous because I like our house just fine and I really don’t like the ways they remodel them. And my husband watches the weather channel. Just about as silly. Mostly we ready books.

    1. You never know when you might get a nice idea from the program. It’s sad when the weather channel is more entertaining than most of the other channels. I have found myself watching it a good bit also. Thanks for the comment Elizabeth.

  8. I used to like having all the channels for during the night when I was up with the kids or just couldn’t sleep. But now, I can’t believe that out of the couple hundred channels that I have (no movie channels), about 95% of them are paid advertising all the time, 4% at least play shows during the day but have now gone to paid advertising overnight (blah!!) and the remaining 1% actually keep playing shows 24 hrs a day. That’s it! I’m starting to feel really stupid paying all that money to have access to all those advertising channels!!! I think I’ll be turning it off any day now….

    1. Thanks for the great comment Jen! I dropped the movie channels since most of them have movies that are not current. Thanks for the visit on this Saturday morning.

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