Transgender Restrooms.

All the talk about Transgender people wanting to not be made to feel uncomfortable. Okay I get it, no one wants to be uncomfortable. But there are many out there that just “feel” like they should be the opposite sex. They want laws saying if they “feel” like they are the wrong sex they should be allowed to enter the other restroom so they don’t feel uncomfortable. What ever happened to other people’s feelings about being uncomfortable. Just because they are transgender inclined do their rights suddenly trump mine or my school age daughter. or son?

A fellow on a talk radio show called in and had the perfect answer in my opinion.
Instead of going on “feelings” because any pervert could say he has “feelings” and legally visit a women’s restroom and get his jollies or take pictures of kids.

He said if transgender persons want to use the “other” restroom then they need to be totally committed to their feelings and have the surgery. That way whatever they decide they are going to be, the plumbing will fit the room and you know they are for real. No worries about some pervert using a lie to gain entrance to the ladies room.

Also another weird thing, have you ever seen women clamoring to gain access to the men’s rooms?

Comments welcome,

One thought on “Transgender Restrooms.

  1. Good point about women wanting to use men’s rooms!
    Let’s just go back to single person bathrooms, where someone goes in, locks the door behind them, does their business, unlocks the door, and leaves.

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