Wintertime Fires

This is a very bad time of the year especially here in the South. We are not used to harsh temperatures below the middle of the state. Most people are not ready and resort to using substandard heating methods and bad practices to keep warm when it becomes bone chilling cold.

My Son’s apartment burned to the ground right after Christmas and they lost everything, it was a grease fire. last night about 7 miles from us there was a fire at a trailer (unknown cause) but being located in the country it was a total loss in minutes. This morning about 1/2 mile down the road a home burned to the ground (unknown cause) and damaged the house next to it.

In the South many fires can be attributed to electric heaters plugged into substandard wiring, or light extension cords that only cost a buck. People tend to plug them in, set them on high, and never check on them. Any electric heater we have is used on the lowest setting.

Our hearts go out to those that have lost homes, and lives due to the cold snap of the last week. Last night (Saturday) it was a cold 17F with a wind chill or real feel of 10F. By Tuesday they predict a low of only 52F and a high of 61F now what kind of madness is that. Thursday and Friday will be highs of 71+.

A big warm thankyou (no pun intended) to all the Volunteer Firefighters that brave the cold to aid those in need.

Please use caution when using heating of any type.

Comments always welcome,

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