Never underestimate the value of good backups

I was here working on the Blog last night trying to make sure I had all my ducks in a row so that google can find me under the new name since the Blog was formerly “The Country Depot Forum Blog” for the last few years.

I operate this Blog from a self hosting account as you have noticed. That means I have to take care of all the things regarding programs and tweaks myself. I had my program Filezilla open, for those not familiar with it the program allows you to transfer or edit files on your server just like windows explorer on the computer. It was mundane maintenance and about 15 minutes into my work I notice activity on the screen and the word “delete” scrolling up the column. That is never a good thing to see unless you have requested that action.

By the time I stopped the operation it had deleted enough various files that my Personal Website, Our Former Great Dane Site, The Arcade I have for the members of the forum, and this Blog were unable to load. Fortunately the Forum was on another server altogether and not affected. I may have bumped something on the keyboard not realizing it, or clicked the wrong option in a hurry (good lesson, never be in a hurry working on a website).

I felt sick to my stomach.  I located my backups and started uploading critical files back to the server. I was up and running again in about 30 minutes. The databases were not affected so no posts or other information was lost. This is the first time it has happened in 10 years. The importance of good backups can’t be stressed enough for your personal computers or websites. You never know when Murphy’s Law will drop in, probably why I like to keep “2” backups around.

Comments are always welcome,

4 thoughts on “Never underestimate the value of good backups

  1. I’d say you’re a good man, Charlie Brown, but you’re organized, like Schroeder.

  2. You are one smart cookie,Ron..Excellent writing & keep the forum running for all of us to enjoy.thanks

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