Why I Blog instead of do Social Media.

I noticed another Blogger post about why they blog. I enjoy reading things like that because you can get a feel for the person. Here is my attempt at telling my Blogging Story.

Blogging and anything I do I attempt to get enjoyment out of, I enjoy the technical side as well as interaction with others. I started my Blog years ago actually as an afterthought and a place to post news about any problem with my websites, if they went offline. Members could go there for updates. This was before Facebook got big. I think MySpace was still around. Then I guess I started talking to myself.

I think I had one guy..

I had never been on WordPress so I could follow others. I found a few blogs through Google searches but they always tended to be dark and depressed, nothing like the great ones I have found in the last month! I think I had one guy that subscribed to my emails a couple of years ago that was a regular Blogger, I had met him on my forum. Not until I used Jetpack did I realize there was an easy way to meet others of like mind through the WordPress interface. I’m kinda shy, sounds funny for an ex-cop I guess.

I have met some great people in just the last month. Friendly, engaging and supportive. I don’t do Drama, or interact with fringe groups, I just want to coast along and open someones Blog and sit and read old posts, new posts, whatever catches my eye. I know it takes time and patience to develop a following but that is just part and parcel of nearly any thing you wish to do well at. Maybe a time passes I will develop a small group of followers that enjoy my particular style. I’ll be lighthearted, serious, rant once in a while, or just share some knowledge that someone might find in a search that will help them with a problem. It will be what moves me at the moment and not something I struggle to come up with.

I’m in it to enjoy myself…

I’m not the ultimate social butterfly but I do enjoy interaction with good people. I look forward to the next years of actual Blogging and sharing. As someone said, it will never be a job, burden or ‘have to’ activity. I will post as much or as little as the feeling dictates. I’m in it to enjoy myself and meet other Bloggers. I hope to become better in sentence structure and grammar. I hope for the time being I don’t put people off because of my lack of skill in those areas. I’m not in it for recognition or become a published writer, but to share with others and enjoy their tips and stories I find.

Comments always welcome,

20 thoughts on “Why I Blog instead of do Social Media.

  1. My reply here is 2 fold- One reason is to let you know I envy your ability to keep up with this, and am really glad you enjoy it. The other is to test your notice system. My info is retained at the bottom of the page, so that’s a good thing. Happy blogging!

  2. Hello and thank you for the follow! I have found that blogging has been a great way to meet – sometimes just online, but several times in person – interesting, positive people. That wasn’t the reason I started to blog, but it’s the main reason I continue. I don’t follow blogs that don’t interest me (I don’t have the time), but ones that are positive and relevant to me, definitely go on my follow list. My brother and sister-in-law are both retired PD, by the way. I’m looking forward to reading more about what you have to say.

    1. Thank you so much for the nice comment. I apologize for it not being seen and approved. I don’t have them set for approval first so not sure why that happened. I follow those I find interesting and feel I can contribute to. I have made many online friends but never met any. Please thank the family for their past service.
      Thanks for a wonderful comment!

  3. What a great reason to write a blog – because you want to. I’ve been encouraged by the kindness and compassion of so many bloggers. I try to follow the good ones and ignore the ones who seem to enjoy wallowing in darkness. Yours is one I think I’m going to enjoy following. And don’t worry about grammar or sentence structure, reading your blog is like listening to someone talk, and I wouldn’t dream of correcting the structure of someone’s sentence (unless that someone is my partner and he never seems to mind!)

    1. I know people don’t normally comment on a comment elsewhere (sounded better in my head) but I had to return here and tell you how much I enjoyed Rumi and the rat. Thanks for the follow also!

  4. Thank you for the nice words! I feel good when spending time reading and enjoying other blogs. I have the desire to do something that is enjoyable and that I look forward to doing. I had jus gone to bed when you dropped in, sorry I missed you! Your blog is so well laid out and easy to read. I will be visiting often I am sure.

    Thanks again for taking the time to visit and comment, I really appreciate it.

  5. Hi Ron! Nice to meet you! I’m also rather shy and it took me quite while to start blogging. Thanks for the follow! I’m following you! That sounds vaguely suspicious; I watch too many crime dramas 😉

    1. Nice to meet you also! Your welcome for the follow and thank you so much for the comment/follow and likes. It is great finding others that remember what it was like starting out. I’m loving everyone that I am meeting.
      Have a super day and thanks again for the visit!

  6. Jetpack!! Ex-cop!! Must…explore…further! Thanks for following me, Ron! I wonder how you discovered my blog since it’s tucked away among all the zillions of others out there in blogland! ha, the wonders of the Internet, eh? Your writing looks just fine to me, by the way. I’m flitting on over to your “About Ron” just to peek behind the curtain, so to speak. Um, you’re not getting undressed back there, are you? 😀

    1. What a coincidence, I was just putting on a sweat shirt. I don’t recall how I found you, but I remember liking what I saw,so I followed you. Thanks for leaving a comment; I really appreciate it.

      1. Ha, funny re the clothes, yeah! Okay, now you MUST keep up your blogging quality, Ron, as I am now a follower of yours. Watch out or I’ll sic my Grammar Cop after you (she’s my alter ego who writes my Friday Follies posts). 😀

  7. Your reason to blog pretty much mirror my own reasons. I’ve been at it for a number of years and still find it fun. My content changed in the last two years from self authored stuff to reblogs, news articles, and interesting e-mails, etc.
    Keep on writing, you will find it self fulfilling.

  8. Others have followed you, so it must be possible. I’m having computer problems, so I pulled up your blog on two different computers. Neither showed a “follow” button. I’d follow if I could.

    1. Sorry your having computer problems. If you visit again, look to the top right of the main/home page and see if the WordPress follow button is there. I really appreciate your comment and like. I’m enjoying reading your blog.

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