Comment ‘Likes’

Many blogging veterans may already be aware of the differences in WordPress hosted  and self-hosted WordPress sites. There are a couple of things self-hosted sites can’t do just yet.

I appreciate each one of you. Your likes and comments make my entire day. It’s not about statistics, it’s about seeing what people enjoy and that helps me learn.

If I ever miss “liking” a comment you leave, please know it is certainly unintentional. My Blog is “self hosted” and so far WordPress does not have “comment like” functionality for the self hosted sites. So no button appears on my blog for liking the comments. The only “like” button is the one for the post itself. Thank you all for using it.

I can “like” your comments you leave here from the WordPress Reader, but not from my blog. If I miss liking one of your comments in the reader, please know it is not intentional.

Comments always welcome,

6 thoughts on “Comment ‘Likes’

  1. My site doesn’t allow me to “like” a comment (it’s probably some do-hicky I need to add) but I always respond to a comment with a reply. Now, I need to figure out why I’m not getting email notifications of your posts… maybe I just need to “follow” again.

    1. It may just be something simple as you say. I use the WordPress Reader online to try and keep up with most of it.
      The email thing seems to be strange at times. I have one persons blog that I am not getting emails of new posts, but they show up in the reader. I’m still working on that also. They are followed and I have the email notification in the WP Reader set to on for emails. If I figure it out I’ll try to pass it along.
      Thanks so much for the comment and like!

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