Are your comments being marked as Spam?

I know I have seen this mentioned on another blog. Your followers comments going to the spam folder instead of your post. Or, your comments not showing up on other blogs.  I found 4 legitimate comments in my spam folder this evening.

More than likely their comments or yours have been marked by Askimet as spam. I was unaware of this and I am guilty of some practices that might get me marked as spam. This is an excellent post on the problem. It contains other links with very useful information. Check this article for possible solution if you are marked as spam.

As I said, I am guilty of some bad methods mentioned. I thought it was being friendly but apparently short comments, and certain words in your comment, can cause you to be marked by Askimet as spam.

I suggest checking your Spam folder from time to time for legitimate comments. It’s a little more work, but it prevents us from missing friends, that might have been dumped in there. If you have comments you make not showing up on your friends blogs, contact them (perhaps by email) and ask them if you might have been sent to the spam folder.

Comments welcome,

10 thoughts on “Are your comments being marked as Spam?

  1. Ron,
    Often has happened to my comments on people’s posts. I am quite legitimate, I assure people and then then un-spam me.
    The problem is when bloggers do not have a contact form or a contact email- then we can’t let them know of the issue with their blog.

    1. Right you are Susie. I have an email in my about me page, but it might help others more if I place a contact form. Thanks for the comment and the idea.

  2. But… there’s a “spam” folder at the location of our WordPress blogs? Sure there’s a spam folder in my *email* area, but… My readers’ comments are typed right at my blog. I’m a tad confused, ron. Haalp!

  3. I was looking Ellie. I have a “dashboard” they call it. I type in my url to my blog and then add /wp-admin which takes me to a page to handle my blog. This might be because I am not hosted by I also use Askimet to filter spam so that may also be different.

    I guess if they aren’t showing in your email spam folder then the comments are getting through okay. Maybe someone that hosts on can enlighten us on where to find comments sent to a spam folder. I’m thinking it was BeetleyPete that had mentioned comments going to spam folder. I think he is on as you are.

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