Short Snicker for Sunday

I guess I shouldn’t make light of it, but I stay frustrated by the antics of the volunteer responders in our area. When they respond there are more people in harms way from their driving, than the incident itself. I was sitting here reading blogs this morning when I heard a call go out on the scanner,  a 4-wheeler ATV was on fire 2 miles down the road. Occupant was fine, just the vehicle burning.

I took that opportunity to run to the store in that direction. I might be able to get some pictures for material for the Blog. As I was driving down the highway, a volunteer “fire command vehicle” came roaring past all of us in the double yellow no-passing lines. We were all trying to get over but he wouldn’t give us time to slow and move onto the shoulder. Oncoming traffic was trying to move over at the same time. It would have been easier had he not been pushing 70+ as he passed us in that 55mph area. A vehicle doing 70+ endangering others on the road so he can rush to a non-injury ATV fire.

I parked away from the scene and noted that the Fire Chaplain Truck was already there, all decked out in his flashing lights. I guess he was there to give “last rites” for the 4-wheeler all terrain vehicle.

Now remember, this is a personally owned truck. Red strobe lights mounted to visor, to rear-view mirror, on the dash, and in the upper corner of the passenger windshield area. They were all turned off when I took the picture.

Chaplains Truck

Comments welcome,

17 thoughts on “Short Snicker for Sunday

  1. We have those folks here too. There are professional fire departments but our group is voluntary. There is something about putting on the flashing lights and siren that brings out the “inner child.”

    1. Yes, it certainly seems to. My amazement is that it is “illegal” but the rural agencies ignore it. Thanks for the comment Kate.

      1. I didn’t realize it was illegal. I don’t see it as much as I used to and the lights have to be blue for volunteers. Still they drive like maniacs.

    1. I’m glad you liked it. If you get the urge, do a search for “fire” and you would be shocked what they get into. Embezzling funds, starting their own fires etc. Thanks for your comment.

    1. I’ll have to check on that. I know they wear a firefighter t-shirt nearly ALL the time. They may have a decoder ring. Thanks for the comment, that gave me a good laugh tonight.

  2. Omigosh. I’m thinking those dudes only became volunteer responders *so that* they could get to drive like idiots! But really, putting others in danger, that’s just beyond decency. They have less than zero consideration for others!

    1. Sadly you are right, I’d say 90% of them are in it for the ego of being able to drive fast and play with the lights. If the illegal lights were enforced, you would probably be hard pressed to find any volunteers. You would still get a few, but they would be scarce. As far as putting others in danger with their driving, wait till you read where they start their own fires for attention and to get extra funding.

      It gets downright scary at times. Thanks for the comment Ellie, always a pleasure to see you.

  3. ‘Fire Chaplain’? I have heard it all now.
    People like these are just plain dangerous, and should be banned. Their lives must be so pathetic, that they get a feeling of empowerment from doing this sort of thing. If they are so keen on it, why don’t they just join up, and do some real work for the emergency services?
    It makes me angry, as you can tell.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I’m glad you feel as I do Pete. When I was a cop, there was a fire near town one day. When I got to HQ I asked the chief if he was going to stop by and help them. He said, “No way! I’d probably have to arrest half of them on outstanding warrants.” I think most of the are wannabe police, and this is as close as they can get. Thanks for the comment Pete.

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