A quiet weekend, and a mellow Monday.

Nothing makes a weekend like a grandchild visiting. Issac dropped in with his Mom, and wanted to play music with grandpa Sunday. I wish I could bottle the energy this little fella has.

The weekend was relatively quiet. Until Saturday night, when someone decided it would be a good evening, to fire some fireworks. Not sure what holiday they were celebrating. Sometimes if you get enough alcohol in you, any Saturday night is a holiday. I don’t drink, so I was a bit confused when the barrage started.

Johnny Reb is back home from his stay at the county Hilton, I mean, jail. He has been very quiet so far. His family came over the next day and cut his grass, maybe it was an attempt to bury the hatchet, after having put him in jail.

This is Monday, treat the rest of it well, we won’t have another till next week! Keeping this short for a change.

Comments welcome,

22 thoughts on “A quiet weekend, and a mellow Monday.

  1. Wonderful to be a grandparent. We had some nut blowing explosives Saturday night, too. Sent the neighbor’s dog into convulsions. When neighbors are good, they are very very good. But when they are bad they are horrid.

    1. Yes, I get to spoil him and then send him home. I wonder what was Saturday… Of course this group needs no reason to celebrate. Thanks for the comment Elizabeth.

  2. Cute little fella.  How old is he about 4 or 5?

    I got a kick out of you calling Jail the Hilton.  LOL

    Enjoy the fireworks, we never see or hear them any more way out here.  Oh well.

    When we lived in town, I used to sit upstairs at the window and watch the fireworks all around the neighborhood.  I like them.

    Short is good.  Long is great.


    1. He’s five now, and full of questions. I like a short display, it’s when they drag it out that i lose interest. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.

  3. We had our grandson over this weekend. He is not yet 3, so smaller, but still energetic enough to wear me out. He can’t quite say ‘Granddad’, so calls me ‘Gig’ instead. That name seems to have stuck!

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I have heard ‘Gig’ used over the years. Issac calls me Grandpa, I like that feeling. Thanks for the comment Pete, always a pleasure to hear from you.

  4. It’s always wonderful to have grandchildren visit — they have so much enthusiasm and energy.  But I will also admit it’s nice to be able to see them head off to home so I can recuperate!

    1. I’m the same way. Especially if we have both of them at the same time for a sleep over. I am worn out the next day. Thanks for the comment George.

  5. You are so lucky. We get to see the granddaughters once a year for 3 days. (Actually 3 days is enough but I’d like it to happen more often!) As for fireworks, they are nice when they are professional and have beautiful displays. Unfortunately most of the ones in my neighborhood are just noise and they make the dogs crazy. Last year a local college had them for end of school year and did so without notice. One of the neighborhood dogs went crazy and got out of his yard and hit by a car. I think people don’t think about the dog (and sometimes small kid) aspect of them.

    1. We are lucky Kate, we see two of the three often, and one once in a while.

      I have to bring our dogs in when they shot fireworks. Max freaks out for some reason.

  6. Your adorable grandson looks exactly like Brad Pitt at that age – at least, in my imagination. The Brad Pitt part, I mean. Isaac IS adorable!

    Questions – whose guitar? Whose dog? Inquiring minds wanna know.

    May the Reb stay docile!!

    1. Thank you Ellie, he is a handsome little devil. The guitar is mine, I have dabbled with guitar since I was 14. I have written 2 or 3 songs, never published any. I’m too shy Michelle says, but I play for family on occasion. The dog is Max, he is one and a half years old now.

      The Reb is quiet so far, he did 3 weeks I’m told. Someone, must have dropped a tip to the judge, about his Oscar performance on his previous court appearance. (cough)

  7. We had fireworks too- celebrating ‘Bridgefest’!

    I hope you’re teaching the guitar to the little guy.

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