Spammers on your Blog.

Spammers, the bane of the Internet. Spam helps spread malware and viruses. It is said that the first spam mail was sent in 1978. Gary Thuerk, an employee of Digital Equipment Corporation, figured out a way to send mass emails, and fired off a mass email to 398 others, to notify them of a product demonstration. From there it mutated into the monster of today.

I thought I would share a few tips that I have used or learned for those of you that are not sure what Spam mail really is. Spam mail is, in a word, unstoppable. You can slow it down, you can stop the majority, some will still make it through. The filters that our ISP’s and even WordPress use just serves to slow it down some. Sometimes the filters even catch our subscribers to our blogs.

Most Spammers are automated, and just firing off an ugly response to one just goes back to a robot/computer that lists you as “alive” and then they share your email address among every spammer in the world. Most of the spammers get paid for every time they post a link for someone. That is why you get a nonsensical email or blog post in your spam folder. Among all the gibberish will be one or more links to a product. There are times that spammers just grab a chunk of test out of an e-book for filler.

There are two golden rules you should follow regarding Spam.

  • Never EVER click a link contained in spam email.
  • Never respond to spam in any way.

Spammers come from everywhere. Sometimes they hide behind faked IP addresses, to make them appear legit. Should you ever get curious, and not already know how to look up information on spammers etc. Here are a couple of sites that I use.

  • Stop Forum Spam: A free service that allows you to search by name, email, or IP.
  • CIPB (or Country IP Blocks): Free service to look up an IP and see what country it originates from.

Since this past March when I reset my spam counter, I have blocked 4,859 spam posts. I still get a few every couple of days.

This is how I feel, about spammers…

Comments welcome,

14 thoughts on “Spammers on your Blog.

    1. Yes Pete, I had just read your post today and it reminded me that I have wanted to do something on spam for a while. I also wanted to make sure that I shared the two methods I use to check for possible spammers. Thanks for the comment and link to your post.

  1. Spammers have a special place in hell waiting for them. I think I’m pretty good at ferreting them out, but I know they are getting better and better at fooling people. Thank you for this post.

  2. Can a spam email get by or “sneek” by the Spam folder in your gmail?

    I try not to click on links.  I have this one friend that sends me links almost every day.  I just delete her email now.

    Thanks for an eye opener.

    1. It is amazing how many viruses and malware is forwarded that way. Many of them don’t even bother clicking the link themselves, they just like the joke or picture and forward it to people on their mailing list. At least half of them will click the link and maybe become infected.

      Yes to your question, spam can get by spam filters. Sometimes legitimate email winds up in the spam folder for various reasons.

      Thanks for the question and comment.

  3. Excellent post Ron, your advice is right on the money. I actually heard one person I know say, “I clicked on the link but it’s ok, cuz I didn’t do it on my phone – I did it on my computer.” !!! He honestly thought he was ‘safer’ that way!!!! Argghh!

    1. Oh, that is certainly scary to witness that level of skill! You made me smile with that one. That is what I call “phone dumb”. My brother is the same way. He works his smart phone well enough, but give him a computer and he can’t check his email.

      Thanks for the comment and the chuckle this evening.

    1. Many of us have done that in our early computing years. I would have to raise my hand and confess to that also. Great to see you Elizabeth.

    1. Some years ago I knew of a genius that operated a security website. He actually took their own bot someone was attacking him with, and turned it against them. It was hilarious. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Thanks Pete, had some things here at home and taking an online course. I should have jumped in from time to time. Thanks for asking about me Pete, I appreciate all of you and I have missed blogging.

    Good Lord willing, and the creeks don’t rise, I’ll get back in the saddle tonight.

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