Bloggers block. I’ve had it bad!

Bloggers blockI have been suffering from it. Actually, I think I am causing the block myself. I will see, hear, or do something that I think might be interesting. Then the doubt creeps in, whether I should post it. Is it interesting enough? Too long? Too short?

Basically, I’m trying too hard. Blogging is what you want to share. It’s no different from meeting people, they will like you, or they won’t.

I’ve met nice people blogging, and I managed to get followers, even from some that don’t follow new bloggers much. I treasure each one of you.

Now, I have a huge headache from new medicines (I thought they were supposed to make you better), and a grumbling in my stomach calling for some late breakfast.

Comments always welcome,

20 thoughts on “Bloggers block. I’ve had it bad!

  1. Don’t sweat it, Ron. It will all come back at some stage. Best to wait until you have that inspiration. I will still be here to read your posts, have no doubt.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks for the comment Mala, it does get interesting at times. I have a feeling it’s about to get more interesting, based on the recent almost laughable effort of the new manager. Plus, if my mother-in-law doesn’t drive me nuts, I may share some of her crazy stuff.

  2. We all get blogger’s block. I think sometimes what we write isn’t going to be interesting to everyone, but it will speak to at least one person (even if it’s ourselves). Hope you get a burst of inspiration soon! Dawn

    1. Thank you, Dawn. That is the way I plan to approach it, from now on. I ran across a blog the other day. While reading the posts, one of them simply said, “Been crazy here, but I’m not dead! See you all soon.”
      I smiled at the humor, and the polite effort he made to let everyone know he was still around.

    1. I am feeling better. Simply sharing the frustration of nothing to share, has generated activity and support. That’s a two for one deal.
      As Dawn stated, there is someone our there who will relate, or get entertainment from what we post, even if it’s just us.
      I hope your block ends soon, I’m sure it will. Thanks for the comment.

  3. It’s less writer’s block and more lack of confidence. I get it too. Sometimes I write what I think is prattle and I get the most likes and views. I don’t think readers are looking for a prize winning novel but just a story on what you are up to.

    1. You are so right, Kate. I have felt like what is interesting to me, may be interpreted as whining, Ranting, or bragging. I’m letting that all go. Letting readers decide what they want to enjoy. Thank you very much for the comment.

    1. I’ve missed the interaction with you also. Michelle suggested that very thing. She said I could share the experience, as I have before.
      Thanks Anne

    1. Congratulations on your victory over the laptop. I’m glad you like the webcam, it shows on my forum also. I thought it might give visitors a feeling of being here with me. I love my gadgets.
      Thanks for the comment Anne, much appreciated!

  4. Aw, I ‘feel your pain’ as people have been wont to say. But my problem is too many posts to READ, not write – so actually it’s sort of the opposite to YOUR problem. I would like to trade you for a day. You can read/comment/like the 15 posts here that I’m behind on, and I’ll write ONE post for you. Deal? LOLOL!

    1. Ellie, my apologies for not having already replied. I still haven’t figured out my problem with the unread posts. I just checked and although I had responded to everyone’s, it had all of them relisted, as having not been read. ARRGGHHH!

      I appreciate the offer to trade, but I think I will stick to mine. Thanks so much for the comment.

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