Tales from the Hood.(TrailerHood)

It’s been awhile. I was just sitting here thinking about my blogging slump. Thinking I have nothing to share. Then thoughts flowed into my head, like light into a dark closet as you open the door.

RIP, Otis

I mentioned this little dog in a post over a year ago.  Small white dog with nappy tangled hair over his eyes. He never really bothered anyone, other than the fact that for some reason, the park owner allowed Otis and the tiny Pomeranian to run loose. Otis being his macho self, would pee on any available tires. That’s just what dogs do, plus it was not like he would be able to aim very high. People would complain, and eventually the elderly lady put up a fence around her lot. Only real problem? Otis was kin to Houdini.

Someone poisoned Otis a short time back, I just learned of it last week. Otis was found laying in the yard, foam in his mouth. The elderly woman never bothers anyone, she holds church classes on her porch most Wednesdays. She rents out a room from time to time for extra income.  RIP little fella, you broke the rules, and made us laugh at times, you probably angered some idiot that buys a brand-new muscle car, puts expensive wheels on them that they “rent”, and then move into a trailer park, so they can afford the wheels.  You certainly didn’t deserve to have your life  ended that way.

That didn’t take long

Your lucky if you have good neighbors in parks like this. A quiet lady moved in two spaces down, in a small camper. She put a fence up for her dog to be outside. She would walk it each day. In mid July the people 2 spaces down from her, were out in the road firing large fireworks near her lot. People here said she and her dog had PTSD. No, don’t ask. I didn’t get an answer I could wrap my head around either. She called the county deputies, who came out and told her since it was in the county, there was nothing illegal. Naturally, she and the bums with the fireworks had words, she packed up and left a week later. 

Third World Country on wheels.

I took a walk around the park the other evening, I haven’t done it in a couple months or more. It used to be a daily ritual of mine before they accidentally over-medicated me. Amazing what you will see when you pay attention. Some yards are immaculate, some not so much. I spotted one lot, that had the cars obviously parked, so that the repossession man couldn’t get to one without damaging the other. There are still a couple of confederate flags observed in some windows, We call them, Red-Neck curtains. A couple of places has cars, where the tires and huge wheels out value the vehicle, by a country mile. About the best thing about this park, is they insist on no junk clutter, and the grass must be mowed. Once you lift the veil of those two items, you find the other world, with wheels.

Comments always welcome,

11 thoughts on “Tales from the Hood.(TrailerHood)

  1. Poor little dog… (sniff) People are so cruel. Animals never kill except for food, I don’t think. Or fighting over a damsel maybe? But anyway, never just for sport, or spite! Sigh.

  2. I always find these posts fascinating, but ultimately depressing. What kind of person would poison a small inoffensive dog? Your trailer park seems to be a microcosm of everything that ails modern-day America. There should be a documentary series made about it. That would be an important historical and social document, in years to come.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Yes, I hate to make depressing posts. Sometimes it’s just part of life and it teaches me that even I can’t or shouldn’t sugar-coat all of it with my wit and humor.

      We have some nice people, like the young man next door. He seems to work all the time, seldom home, but he cares for his two dogs. He lives alone, owns his trailer and stays to himself.

      Pete, you hit that observation perfectly. Then you have the ones that would rather buy a case of beer, sit on the porch and argue, rather than pay their electric bill. Out here that encompasses the young and old crowd.

      Yes, we have a sample of everything that ails modern-day America. Makes me sad, and very tired watching it all, after growing up and not having to lock your doors in the early 60s.
      Thanks for the comment Pete, I wish there was a documentary on the subject, maybe it would prompt a clean up in many parks.

      Now, I’m going to find something lighter to look at, and write about.

  3. I’m glad to know there are a few decent people in the trailer park. I would hate to think of y’all totally surrounded by the dregs of humanity. Keep the observations coming, Ron, even if they are a bit depressing.

    1. There are a some nice people Anne, then there are some really strange people. You get the complete assortment it seems in a park. I miss seeing the little fella trot past the window in the mornings, with his Pom sidekick trailing along.

      Thank you for the comment, and here’s hoping for some funny or interesting events to blog about. Right now, I am just enjoying the new layout of my room. It was set up 3 years ago, and I never changed it.

  4. Having had a dog poisoned, I feel for the owner of that little dog. I guess the only difference between your neighborhood and mine is the size of homes and the distance between them. There sure are neer do wells everywhere. Glad to see a post from you and hope you are feeling better.

    1. Yes Elizabeth, feeling better every day. I don’t mind a double wide mobile home, They have so much more space in them, than a conventional home.
      I just prefer being out to myself with neighbors just far enough I can’t see them. It was that way where we lived in the country, but I would sure miss my Internet speeds.

      Thanks for the nice comment, I’ll be by to visit all of you.

  5. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better, Ron!
    That’s despicable; poisoning someone’s pet. 🙁 Sad commentary on today’s society.

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