Dear Karma, I’m sorry I said anything.

Over the past few months, It has been quiet. At one point I even remarked, too quiet. Apparently, Karma was having a quiet week, and overheard that remark. So, karma dropped in this week.

  • This week has seen, two ambulance calls to the park. One requiring a county deputy (unknown reason). Another was a man having breathing difficulties. It was unbearably hot that day.
  • Another six inch thick limb came down yesterday, this one landed on the cable and phone lines that pass over the yard. Good thing, there were about eight lines, and they were able to sustain the weight till Popeye could come and cut it up. If this continues, I won’t have to purchase any firewood this season. I didn’t bother with a picture of it, as it was dark and raining lightly.
  • My forum went on and offline for 3 days. Power problems at one of the UK data centers.
  • My blog, decided to imitate the forum. Replacing the old theme seems to have fixed it. (Damn, I said that aloud didn’t I.)
  • I’m trying my hand at YouTube, and live-streaming. The old webcam died a horrible death. I think the squirrel (Trip) pouncing on it probably didn’t help. It was 9 years old, so it was time. Down to three wireless cams now and a desk cam. I need to see about an increase in my allowance from Michelle. Thank you, Ellie, for the like and subscription. I can use all the likes and subscriptions I can get, as you can tell.
Channel Intro.
  • While helping Michelle set up her 20 gallon Aquarium, I tripped over the wastebasket in her hobby room. Thankfully it was a lightweight wire decorative type. It now resembles more of a squat wire planter, 230 pounds will do that to light wire wastebaskets.
  • While watching TV I enjoyed too many White Castle Sliders, they are like the small Krystal burgers. That resulted in a sour stomach and two days of sleeping it off, due to the nausea meds. I never learn.

Yes, I know. Sounds strange

That, brings us to this morning. Since I was feeling a lot better, I decided to clean my office desk. I wipe it down each morning due to dust and hair that Reboot is kind enough to leave me. The keyboard is kept covered at night. Every 3 months or so, I even wax the top of the desk. Reboot doesn’t care for that ritual. Yes, I know. Sounds strange, but I wax the top to keep it nice, and easier to clean.

While putting away my items used in the cleaning, I hear a commotion that usually heralds a high speed game of chase. Reboot in the lead, and one of the small dogs right behind her. She raced in the door and leapt for the first high ground, which was the soft silver material area in the left of the picture. That would have been fine, but apparently she meant to put maximum distance between her and her pursuer. When she hit the freshly waxed surface of the desk, which I proudly use a high grade auto polish on, her momentum was not reduced.

She proceeded across the desk, performing some type of radical break-dance move. She scattered the three computer mice, keyboards, phone charger, and a Raspberry Pi (small computer with the blue on it). It reminded me later, of the opening shot in a billiards’ tournament. The small Raspberry Pi, was found in the window sill. A small penlight is still missing, probably behind the desk, where mere mortals shouldn’t venture.

The event, almost equaled the moment a few days ago. I forgot Reboot was asleep to the right of me in front of the window. I took out the can of compressed air, and started blowing any dust out of the keyboard. She has taken to sleeping over by the printer desk now.

Reboots new sleeping area

So, how was your week? Someone please tell me that the official week only has one day left. On a bright note, I woke up alive and feeling better.

Comments always welcome.

19 thoughts on “Dear Karma, I’m sorry I said anything.

  1. That was certainly a lively week. Occasionally one of my cats will hop on my desk which isn’t as neat as your desk. Some noise will happen that startles the cat and off she goes leaving a disaster in her wake. My keyboard, mouse, calculator, paper pad and pen will be scattered across the room. They think of it as giving me exercise or some sort of scavenger race to find the objects! Hope next week is quiet. For Reboot’s sake. That cat only has 9 lives!

    1. Cats do tend to freak out wide open. I’m still looking for my ink pen this afternoon. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one it happens to.

  2. What with the antics of Reboot,and your sortees into hi-tech, I can imagine you will have lots to talk about so … all the best with your YouTube channel!

    1. Thanks, Janis. This is my man cave, so I try to keep it tidy. Of course, once I tidy up I can never find anything. The grandkids say they like to visit, because pawpaw has a nice clean desk. Their parents work from home, and one of their husbands is a gamer, so their home offices are fairly rough looking.

    1. Thanks so much, Pete! These burgers look like this. VERY thin slice of meat, pickle, and cheese if you request it. It also has diced grilled onions on it, which is what sometimes makes me sick.

  3. To each, their own. You can probably put your finger on anything you need in an instant. I’m still missing an ink pen from this mornings fun.

  4. Haha, thanks for the chuckle! How NEAT is that desk, my oh my! But I could just imagine Reboot scrabbling to grasp onto ANYthing solid; a fast kitty and a waxed surface do not mix! She sure does look angelic sleeping there, though. So… you’re implying that at the sound of the compressed air, she levitated? 😀
    Thanks for the shout out, happy to like & be a subscriber! Who knows? Soon you’ll have an international podcast: Uncle Ron’s Computer Tips. Why not? 😀
    Take care, Ron!

    1. Not a bad idea! Yes, she was sound asleep just to the right of the main keyboard, in front of the window. She now prefers to sleep way over to the right, by the printer.

  5. I didn’t know about the You Tube channel. What is it called? I love that the only thing on the white board is Smile. And I am in awe of your vast array of screens.

  6. Yes, Elizabeth. It’s “Ron Walker” That is the intro. I was trying to come up with something different, so I did the intro, sent it to our 30 year old daughter who said she liked me doing it with out-takes. So I posted it. No telling what you might see later on there. If you like it, like and subscribe to it, and you will get a notification of any future videos. If you decide later, you can always unsubscribe and stop notifications. 🙂

    I put that on the white board, to remind me each day. The screens I don’t use all the time, maybe 80% The two left are for one computer (dual screens) when I get really busy doing a project. The middle one 32 inch is my main computer that I recently built. The smaller one to the right is for my Raspberry Pi. A smal computer I use for all sorts of things.

    Thanks for the comment.

    1. Peace and Safety to you as well, Rooster. I went for years without carrying, after leaving the force. Then one night 7 years later, Michelle and I were nearly carjacked around 11 pm one night on a lonely road.

      The world has gotten crazy, especially in this part of the South. 47 murders in the capitol city of Alabama already this year. Doesn’t even include the shootings where no one dies. Glad I live out a ways.

      The rifle is a 22 cal. plinkster. Michelle and I keep our 40 cal Glocks on our nightstands. I keep a 40 cal S&W in my office, and she has a Taurus 9mm in her office. Hope we never need them, but I won’t be like we were on that dark lonely road again, with a car load of illegals trying to stop us.

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