A brand new year for blogging.

I was greeted by a beautiful sight today. Looking out of  the window there was a rainbow beginning to appear. It was quite brilliant where it was close to the ground. That has to be a good sign.

I started off this year busy, but I am back on track and ready to spend time with fellow bloggers, and enjoy mine. Finally, I have acquired a nice tablet that I can carry with me now. It is just too hard to type on my smart phone.

I plan on blogging about whatever comes to mind, that I think may be of interest to others, or give them a smile or positive outlook. I’m not worried about numbers, other than you can somewhat gauge your content by the interest others show. A blog should reflect the person behind it. No illusion, no fake persona, just the blogger. Of course that is just my opinion.

No plans on settling into any one niche, but remain general and loose. I may share technical tidbits, Poems, or other re-blogged posts, from the many wonderful blogs I follow. I don’t plan on going crazy generating posts, that wouldn’t be fun. Spontaneity is something I have always loved.

Thank you all for the friendship, support, and assistance you have given. I can’t wait for tomorrow, it will be cold and crisp, and I can sit here inside, with a hot cup of beverage and visit with all the wonderful people I have met in the blogging world.

Here’s to 2018, and meeting and making many more friends. -Ron

16 thoughts on “A brand new year for blogging.

  1. I can’t believe you were doing your blog on a phone. I can’t even use it to call people! I love the eclectic approach to your blog(as you can tell when I wrote about it) and look forward to whatever you write. Of course, there is a part of me that loves, loves, loves the low life portrayals. Been there. Had those neighbors.

  2. Sorry Elizabeth, I wasn’t too clear. I use my desktop PC, but when away from home I try to use my phone to post. I spend more time correcting text, even when I use voice to text.

    Michelle on the other hand? She does all her things on her tablet, and her phone. EVERYTHING. She hasn’t used her desktop in 8 or more months. I type fast on a keyboard, but I am a klutz on a phone.

    A few more months, and we will be paid for and can start putting back to hopefully buy a small piece of land, and move to it. Yes, anyone that has ever dealt with lower types of people, either living near, or through their job, probably get some humor from the stories in the park.

  3. I love your words and the feeling/tone behind them, Ron. True-blue authentic. Just a few random comments:
    “It was quite brilliant where it was close to the ground.” – sure, it was the reflection from the pot of gold! 😀
    “I started off this year busy” – and looks like Yoda’s still busy too. (giggle)
    “I have acquired a nice tablet that I can carry with me now” – Yes, but does it fit in your pocket?? If not, what do you do, carry it in your murse? (man purse) (giggle again)
    “A blog should reflect the person behind it” – totally agree, which is why virtually all the blogs I follow do just that. It’s what makes them all so different and warm and fascinating and fun!
    “I can’t wait for tomorrow” – Same way I feel! And looking forward to more of your heartfelt posts, Ron!

    1. I’m going to fire that language tool! It should help me NOT look like an idiot. 🙂

      Yoda gets plenty of exercise around here.

      Thanks for the comment Ellie,

  4. Looking forward to what you have to say for 2018. I know it will be interesting.
    so your tablet i a real one you use a pencil with or just a small laptop kinda thing.
    I’m the odd man out here. I don’t blog, but love reading them. I used to blog every day, but that’s kinda gone by the wayside. Oh well.
    Have fun in 2018 Ron. Keep those spiders out of your house and the bugs. ha ha.

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