A good ending to Monday

I’m a sucker for sunsets. There is just something magical about them as they change from second to second. I stood on the porch this evening and watched the Sun set and it made the horizon look like it was on fire.

Looking back on today it was a really nice Monday. I may have been sick all weekend with some type of bug, but I didn’t have to go to the ER this time and that is always a plus in my book. It’s amazing how wonderful you feel after having a bad bout of something. The air seems cleaner and everything just stands out as if new.

I hope everyone had a great ending to their Monday. If I could bottle this one I would send you some but for now words and a picture will have to do.

Thanks to everyone,

4 thoughts on “A good ending to Monday

    1. I wonder if you could subscribe to the emails and see if you get some from the Blog, you can unsubscribe at any time if you don’t want them.

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