A Poem for this week. “Our Time”

Our Time…

Be still my darling, and hold my hand for me…
The sounds are getting quieter, and things are hard to see.
I’m not afraid, like I thought I’d be, though I see you’re weeping so…
If it were in my power, I’d be the last to go.

But mourn not for my passing, rather think upon the day…
When we shall stand again together, and I shall touch your face.
So in the nights that feel alone, and you need me to be there…
Go to where we used to meet, where once I touched your hair.

Look upon the heavens, and try to see our star…
You know that I’ll be watching you, I’ll never be too far.
And when the cold winds blow your hair, and mist falls on your face…
Stand and whisper to the wind, “I love you” from our place.

When your time to meet me comes, and things are hard to see…
You’ll feel my hand, and hear my voice, beside you I will be.
Silently we’ll walk along, the paths we used to walk…
And forever in the soft night winds, together we will talk.

© Ron Walker December 1998

This was written for a friend that had just lost his wife. They were an older retired couple, both had been physical therapists. She had suffered a protracted illness. He said towards the end, she was always telling him she worried how he would do when she was gone. After her passing he asked me to write something for them since I knew them both. I wrote this, I told him that it is what she would probably have wanted to say.

Comments always welcome,

14 thoughts on “A Poem for this week. “Our Time”

    1. Thank you very much Anne. He liked it very much and I felt honored that he asked me if I could do it for him. They were great friends. He moved back north with his children shortly after. I will try to give a slight history as I post them about once a week maybe. Thanks for the like and comment tonight.

  1. Nice work indeed, Ron. Relevant to anyone who has ever loved, and a perfect piece to read at a funeral, or to keep as a remembrance.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Beautiful and like your other commenters, I liked the back story. That is such a tough time. My brother and his wife are 87. He is in great health. Her not so much. I dread the day that either goes because the other will be lost. You are a great friend.

  3. I lost my first wife from cancer after 32 years of marriage. I think your beautiful poem says the things she would have said if she were able.

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