All quiet on the home front, so far..

Time to clean the Man Cave!

Its been a couple days since I blogged, just not that much going on but I have enjoyed visiting others and reading. The week went pretty smoothly except for one glitch a couple days ago.

I had been working on the wife’s tablet. A 10.1 inch ASUS she has had about 4 years now. I had to replace the dgitizer board as the charging connector mounted to it was loose. I suspect using it in bed reading stained that port over time. It took two full weeks to get the part, it installed easily. As most things with Murphy’s law go, the clear digitizer screen cracked going back together. I didn’t think I had put any strain on it, unless it had a hairline crack in a corner already that I missed. Anyway it makes a nice paperweight now. I could repair it, and I might, but a screen assembly will run about $60 and the whole unit can be bought for about $149.

The week has been a good one other than that. It’s time to clean my man cave/computer room tonight. I have let it get a little cluttered over the last week. Maybe tomorrow being Friday I will have something to write about here in the Mobile Home Park, it has been way too quiet lately.

Thanks to all that dropped in even though I didn’t have any fresh material much this week. May the rest of your week be a good one.

Comments always welcome.

4 thoughts on “All quiet on the home front, so far..

    1. Your right, she has decided to get another one. I can have this one to maybe work with as an experiment. Thanks for the comment and dropping in!

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