Beating this Dead Horse, for the last time.

At the risk of beating a dead horse, here once again is an episode of the “Cable Guys”. I guess for the last few years, we have gotten used to having great service and support, hence the shock at three visits that each resulted in strange outcomes and shoddy work, with no resolution to the original problem. One would think after three visits and several phone calls, a solution could have been found.

Let’s do a recap of the last few visits or interactions.

Number one: Tech support phone call with a technician that didn’t know the difference between the IP assigned by the ISP, and the IP a user sets on the computer. He also thought that the Windows button should work on a machine running Linux. Note: I used a Windows machine on a subsequent call to support so there would be no doubt the problem was affecting a Windows OS.

Visit number two: First on-site technician, replaced the modem, decided it was my software that was causing the problem. Even though I demonstrated to him on three different computers, and two different operating systems that were having the same problem. The internet connection appeared to be stable, so he considered the call complete. The initial connectivity problem reappeared 30 minutes later.

Visit number three: The next on site technician checked signal levels and decided it needed new cabling. We only have three Outlets. Internet, two TVs. The internet was working properly for the moment, so he left. That evening, it was discovered one of the TVs was no longer working. Another on site visit would be required to find the problem.

Visit number four: The next on-site visit consisted of a two-man team. They discovered that the non-working TV had been disconnected, and forgotten to be reconnected during the service call. So they worked for about an hour, running new cables checking signal levels. The TV that was not working was now working. As they were packing up to leave, I discovered that the TV that had been working, was now not working. So basically, they fixed one problem and created another. Naturally, the internet connection decided to remain constant during that one hour visit. 4 hours later, the internet lost connection again. After their departure, I checked around the skirting alarm mobile home, finding many spots where the skirting had been pulled out to look under the home and not properly put back in place leaving uneven skirting. I fixed these areas, but stopped and took a picture of the last one I came upon. Fortunately, this is vinyl siding and can be pushed back with minimal damage Had it been metal, it would have needed replacing.

Summing it up, one technical support call and three on-site visits solved nothing. Actually resulting with no TV usage in one room for a full night.

I think it’s time for an official complaint. I can’t stand the internet dropping out randomly. Maybe a link to my blog to the corporate office would get a solution.

Comments always welcome

16 thoughts on “Beating this Dead Horse, for the last time.

  1. That is a lot of weird visits. I can’t believe they didn’t fix the skirting or at least bring your attention to it. Perhaps they hoped you would believe a squirrel or storm did it.

    1. Yes, Kate. The polite and professional thing to do, would be to make an attempt at leaving it the way you found it.
      Thanks, for the comment this morning.

  2. Tell them you have 5,000 blog followers, 8,000 Twitter followers, and countless Facebook contacts. You are going to post the complaint and photos to all social media platforms, naming the company, unless they can fix it to your satisfaction. As for damage to your siding, be careful of any small print in your contract that allows them to make such damage YOUR responsibility. I fell foul of something like that decades ago, when having some wiring done in a house.
    At least you have the technical know-how to back up your concerns. Most of us (me included) don’t have a clue.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. The small print will get us every time Pete. I’m just about to do that Pete, mention I have a blog. Crazy as it sounds, I think that tactic may have saved some lives about 4 years ago. We had severe thunderstorms coming for the day. There was a reported tornado reported earlier in the area. Most businesses had closed and sent employees home.
      We were checking on a friend who was a waitress at one of the large restaurants. She said she was still at work, the manager had told them “We’re not closing, and anyone that left would be terminated”. I guess he thought people would brave the storms to visit his place.

      I called, told him I had a blog that covered news in the area, that I understood from radio and television that most businesses had shut down. I had a report that I wanted to substantiate about his business remaining open, and threatening employees concerned about family with termination. He denied it, and said they were about to close at that moment. When 2 more tornadoes struck that day, the building next door to him was destroyed, and his had severe damage. I was glad he worried about PR more than his dollar.

      Great thought Pete. Thanks for the comment.

  3. It’s just unreal how incompetent many of these service people are! I consider it a rare and blessed even when we get one who is actually knowledgeable! Good grief.

    1. It really is nice when they know what they are doing. This has been a comedy of errors. The last team was joking about the last tech that was here not hooking up one TV and not check to see all were working. Then they did the same thing.

  4. I’m lost for words. Have you checked to see if these people really work for an insane asylum that needs new business? They seem committed to incompetence. Don’t let them commit you!

    1. Hi, Anne. I think the people in the asylum are smarter. These people are just walking around breathing apparently. Really shoddy. After completing a job, you generally do a walk around to make sure you’ve left no tools. At that point, you should see skirting pulled out of place, and cables not buried.

  5. It can be totally frustrating dealing with service people! This would just explain very well why my teenager continues to say that they like animals more than people! LOL!

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