Blogging: I’ve been obsessing, but not over statistics.

These are not my stats.

Whether it’s blogging or other endeavors, many of us can become overly attentive to facets of the thing we are doing. Some follow blog stats to the point they get distracted. I understand that concept, having operated a general discussion forum for the last 10 years. Stats on a forum need to be watched closely.

I am guilty of being distracted for the last week, not over stats, but over the appearance of the blog itself. While appearance plays into making a website more attractive to come to, my problem is when I am unable to achieve the desired effect, I don’t let it go. I use the old Twenty-Eleven Theme here. I just like it, there are many nice themes to choose from, but this one just suited me from day one when I found it. I will one day need to move to a newer theme I’m sure, but I am milking this one till then. The only fault I have found is the really bland looking comment section. So following tips online I have tried to improve it.

After hours of changing, testing, and digging through lines of code, I never could get it to look like the directions. The reason, the modifications work better on the Twenty-Twelve Theme than on the Twenty Eleven. I was just determined to solve it. Long story short? It can’t be done. I managed to change the post comment button to look a little better and add some editing options. It’s time now, to stop obsessing over how it looks, and concentrate on my content, and enjoy it.

There are now editing functions in case someone wishes to use them. There may be times in my tech section that someone needs to post a screen shot, or just want to use italics, or other font enhancement. If it proves useful it will stay, if not I will remove it.

Any input you have is greatly appreciated. Now I’m ready to stop my obsessive tweaking I have fallen into, and start writing. While on this subject of appearance, do readers like stacked comments or threaded comments best.

Comments or input always welcome.

22 thoughts on “Blogging: I’ve been obsessing, but not over statistics.

  1. I prefer the stacked (descending?) comments, (or are they thread comments? I just realised I’m not sure!) with the newest first, just a personal preference. (Like those on my own blog, naturally)

    I admire that you have enough knowledge to tinker with themes, Ron. I changed my original theme a few years back, but will stick with the present one for a long time, I suspect.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Yes, I like the wider comments also. These in this theme get narrower the farther the conversation goes, with one person. Threaded is when a reply to your comment is placed under your comment, or your comment is placed right under the person’s comment you are replying to. Un-threaded means if you replay to me after others have commented, your reply to me will be away from my comment, possibly way down the list. I want to get mine like yours and many others. Where my answer/comment will appear right under the comment I am replying to.

      Yours are threaded and slightly offset to the inside so you can tell they are replies to comments.

      1. I merely wanted to see how this would look: a reply to a reply. 🙂 And WOW, look at all the great lil editing options!! La la la!!

        And even a change of font, too! What fun, Ron! Whenever I feel creative I will stop by! 😀

        1. However! – I see that the change of font I chose, as well as change of font size, did not happen. Ah well! Can’t have everything, can we! lol!

          1. I’m glad you mentioned it to me, I’ll have to look into it. I had tested but it may have stopped. Hmmmm.

            Bold test

            test  test
            Inserting image doesn’t seem to be working now.

  2. Like you I am still using the 2011 theme. I like the simplicity and cleanness but one of these days, I’ll investigate the later ones. I watch those bloggers I follow to see what they use but it’s harder these days. Back when I started it stated the blog theme at the bottom but I don’t see that anymore.

    1. Yes, your site looks great with the theme. The comments look good too. I like the comments on here, just when they get several replies I imagine it might be be uncomfortable to read for some, as the box gets real narrow.
      I noticed the theme name missing also at some point.

  3. I know nothing. Anything you do is okay with me.  I can learn and or flow with how you want it.  I don’t have a blog.  I had one years ago, don’t even remember the company I was with, but they quit supporting blogs so I took all my pictures off and never to return to a blog.

    1. Sorry to hear that Sandy. Many people host with WordPress. I’m not sure how much it costs, but you could check if your ever interested again.

  4. I’m not sure what it’s called, but I like how you have the comments now. If there are multiple comments, back-and-forth, with the same person, it’s nice to easily see the flow. I have thought about finding a new theme now that I’ve been blogging for over three years, but I have to admit that I am terrified that I’ll screw everything up and won’t be able to recover.

    1. I can understand that. I love this theme and want to hold onto it for a good while. Or at least till I get an urge to make a change. I have to say that WordPress in the last year or so has made installing things so much easier. Most theme changes are point and click, but depending on the theme it may drop certain plugins and you have to re-do them. Thank goodness for the preview button for themes. I think I need more coffee.

  5. I played with my theme for several months and occasionally tweak it, but it’s easier to leave it alone.  I’m happy if people read my posts and respond to them.  I’ve enjoyed the things you’ve written.

  6. So I can bold and italicize my comment? We’ll see if it works.

  7. Ron your blog looks great and I always enjoy reading your posts. I have pretty much stuck with the same WordPress theme from my early days. I had a different theme in the beginning but have stayed the same for a year.

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