Bringing shame to real Heroes

american vetI support our soldiers who fight at the behest of our country. They are brave souls and deserve appreciation for being away from family and loved ones for the sake of others.

What I don’t like are those that sully that reputation by proudly proclaiming to be a War Vet while drunk and acting like an idiot as if it somehow should explain their poor behavior.

Our neighborhood has recently been graced with two of these fine examples. One is a female who loves to party till all hours of the night with her Vet buddy that lives across the street and right next door to me. He is an ex-Marine.

Partying is fine especially on a weekend if done in moderation so as not to disturb your neighbors in a very quiet neighborhood. They are entertaining at times (since there are no kids on our street) to watch them make fools of themselves as they stagger from one abode to another talking and the one trailing a few steps behind staggers and falls in the bushes of the house they are entering. The one in the lead realizes they are not being followed anymore once they step in the house and come out loudly calling the others name looking for them.

It’s funny till it gets to be 11PM or midnight and they start shouting and cursing and revving up car engines, like they even need to be behind a wheel. The ex marine likes to get plastered and sit or stand on his porch and scream as if someone is pulling his fingernails out, or maybe practicing a primeval growl at all hours of the wee morning.

On one particular night, they were still going at it around 1AM and I called the landlord who called them and told them to quiet down or they would have to move. The idiot girl decides she will come by with her boyfriend, house to house and knock on the doors and apologize for the loudness. She says,  “I’m sorry if we disturbed you, we are just blowing off a little steam. I’m a Vet and spent a tour in Iraq a while back. ”
I calmly looked at her and her blurry eyed idiot of a friend and said, “That’s nice, I spent an 8 year tour in this city before as a Cop dealing with people just like you, you should conduct yourself in a way that brings honor to your Vet status instead of being a disturbance.” She looked like there was nothing she could say to impress me further so muttered an apology and left pulling her idiot friend by the arm who you could tell wanted to  put a sentence together in his alcohol induced fog but just couldn’t. About an hour later we had to call the Police since idiot friend nearly drove into the front of her house while getting the car ready to make another Beer run I guess.

People should be able to party, However if you’re a Vet and you plan on making an Ass of yourself in a drunken stupor, please don’t tell anyone you’re a War Vet and expect special treatment. Your just making it tough on the real heroes.

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