I just love Karma when it works

Been enduring the ignorance of a young fella in the neighborhood. Old enough to know better (looks to be about 25) Just too stupid to do anything about it. Or maybe it’s all the ink from his Tats that has leaked to his brain.

Anyway, after weeks of hearing him start his car, rev up the engine and spin his tires up our short gravel street at all hours (probably making Beer runs to the store). Karma smiled on us and frowned on him. Maybe Karma was tired of listening to it also.

Before 8AM this morning I heard it start-up. I had just gotten up and got my first cup of Coffee and sat down at the computer. I heard him take off from in front of our house, throwing gravel as he went, he made it to the end of the street, and apparently remembering something, turned around and roared back down towards our houses that sit at the end of the street.

He was either not paying attention, or had a brain fart. Either way he hit his brakes as he passed his driveway and slid about 50 feet and perched his vehicle over the edge of a 4 foot ditch that is full of tangle vines and small brush trees. His left rear wheel is about 3 inches off the ground.

I watched as his people came out of the house where he stays and he stomped around like the world was to blame for his predicament. I watched him shovel, push, slam the car doors, at one point someone even out of stupidity tried to use a 4X4 piece of timber prying up on the rear? of the vehicle. If they had succeeded, they would have just pushed the car on over nose down in the ditch. Obviously not graduates of the simplest common sense.

I just sat in the recliner, sipped some good Coffee and marveled at the engineering prowess being displayed and the demonstration of radical temper as he threw things and stomped around.

It’s still there, perched and waiting. It has been quiet on the street with it stuck there. Do you have idiots on your street?


Karma's Great

DarkSucker Conspiracy

power coFor years the electrical utility companies have lead the public to believe they were in business to supply electricity to the consumer, a service for which they charge a substantial rate. The recent accidental acquisition of secret records from a well known power company has led to a massive research campaign which positively explodes several myths and exposes the massive hoax which has been perpetrated upon the public by the power companies.
The most common hoax promoted the false concept that light bulbs emitted light; in actuality, these “light” bulbs actually absorb DARK which is then transported back to the power generation stations via wires. A more descriptive name has now been coined; the new scientific name for the device is DARKSUCKER.

This newsletter introduces a brief synopsis of the darksucker theory, which proves the existence of dark and establishes the fact the dark has great mass, and further, that dark is the fastest known particle in the universe. Apparently, even the celebrated Dr. Albert Einstein did not suspect the truth….. that just as COLD is the absence of HEAT, so LIGHT is actually the ABSENCE of DARK….. light does not really exist!
The basis of the darksucker theory is that electric light bulbs suck dark. Take for example, the darksuckers in the room where you are. There is much less dark right next to them than there is elsewhere, demonstrating their limited range. The larger the darksucker, the greater its capacity to suck dark.Dark suckers in a parking lot or on a football field have a much greater capacity than the ones used in the home, for example.

It may come as a surprise to learn that darksuckers also operate on a celestial scale; witness the Sun. Our Sun makes use of dense dark, sucking it in from all the planets and intervening dark space. Naturally, the Sun is better able to suck dark from the planets which are situated closer to it, thus explaining why those planets appear brighter than do those which are far distant from the Sun.

Occasionally, the Sun actually oversucks; under those conditions, dark spots appear on the surface of the Sun. Scientists have long studied these “sunspots” and are only recently beginning to realize that the dark spots represent leaks of high pressure dark because the Sun has oversucked darkto such an extent that some of it actually leaks back into space. This leakage of high pressure dark frequently causes problems with radio communications here on Earth due to collisions between the dark particles as they stream out into space via the black “holes” in the surface of the Sun.

As with all manmade devices, darksuckers have a finite lifetime. Once they are full of dark, they can no longer suck. This condition can be observed by looking for the black spots on a full darksucker when it has reached maximum capacity….. you have surely noticed that dark completely surrounds a fulldarksucker because it no longer has the capacity to suck dark at all.

A candle is a primitive darksucker. A new candle has a white wick. You will notice that after the first use the wick turns black, representing all the darkwhich has been sucked into it. If you hold a pencil next to the wick of an operating candle, the tip will turn black because it got in the way of the darkflowing into the candle. Unfortunately, these primitive darksuckers have a very limited range and are hazardous to operate because of the intense heat produced.

There are also portable darksuckers called flashlights. The bulbs in these devices cannot handle all of the dark by themselves, and must be aided by a dark storage unit called a battery. When the dark storage unit is full, it must be either emptied (a process called “recharging”) or replaced before the portable darksucker can continue to operate. If you break open a battery, you will find dense black dark inside, evidence that it is actually a compact dark storage unit.

The darksuckers on an automobile are high capacity units with great range, thus they require much larger dark storage units mounted under the hood of the vehicle. Since there is far more dark available in the winter season, automobile dark storage units reach capacity more frequently than they do in summer, requiring “recharging”, or in severe cases, total replacement.

Dark has great mass. When dark is drawn into a darksucker, friction caused by the speed of the dark particles (called anti-photons) actually generates substantial heat, thus it is unwise to touch an operating dark sucker. Candles represent a special problem, as the dark must travel into a solid wick instead of through clear glass. This generates a great amount of heat, making it very dangerous to touch an operating candle.

Because dark has such great mass, it is very heavy. If you swim just below the surface of a lake, you see a lot of “light” (absence of dark, to be more precise). As you go deeper and deeper beneath the surface, you notice it gets darker and darker. When you reach a depth of approximately fifty feet, you are in total darkness. This is because the heavier dark sinks to the bottom of the lake, making it appear “lighter” near the surface.

The power companies have learned to use the dark that has settled to the bottom of lakes by pushing it through turbines, which generate electricity to help push the dark into the ocean where it may be safely stored for their devious purposes.

Prior to the development of turbines, it was much more difficult to get the dark from the rivers and lakes to the ocean. The Indians recognized this problem, and developed means to assist the flow of dark on its long journey to the ocean. When on a river in a canoe travelling in the same direction as the flow of dark, they paddled slowly, so as not to impede the flow of dark; but when they travelled against the flow of dark, they paddled vigorously to help propel the
dark along its way.

Scientist are working feverishly to develop exotic new instrumentation with which to measure the actual speed and energy level of dark. While such instrumentation is beyond the capabilities of the average layman, you can actually perform a simple test to demonstrate the unbelievable speed of dark, right in your on home.

All that is required for the simple test is a closed desk drawer situated in a bright room. You know from experience that the tightly shut drawer is FULL ofdark. Now, place your hand firmly on the drawer’s handle. Quickly yank the drawer open….. the dark immediately disappears, demonstrating the blinding speed with which the dark travels to the nearest darksucker!

The secrets of dark are at present known only to the power companies. Dark must be very valuable, since they go to such lengths to collect it in vast quantities. By some well hidden method, more modern power “generation” facilities have devised methods to hide their collection of dark. The older facilities, however, usually have gargantuan piles of solidified dark in huge fenced-in areas. Visitors to these facilities are told the huge black piles of material are supplies of coal, but such is not the case.

The power companies have long used code words to hide their activities; D.C. is Dark Conspiracy, while A.C. is Alternative Conspiracy. The intent of A.C. is not yet known, but the D.C. is rapidly yielding its secrets to the probing eyes and instruments of honest scientists around the world. New developments are being announced every day and we promise to keep the public informed of these announcements as they occur, via this newsletter


They don’t listen, yet use computers…

SickComputerSometimes you just have to scratch your head and wonder at how no one seems to “get it”. I have a dear friend that seems to not get the fact that you really need to follow advice from someone that you trust to work on your computer.

I helped a friend fix up an old computer a year ago that a family member of his had given him. He brought it by after 6 months full of viruses and had to be rebuilt.  It came back recently, needing to be looked at because it would hardly do anything. I had told him to be sure and update the anti-virus often. Guess what, not only did he admit it had not been updated prior to being trashed by something it had caught online. But that it had stopped working a month ago.

I worked on it free of charge, and sent him back this list of things I had done to it. It was the best I could do since I didn’t want to redo everything again from scratch. Here is the note I sent back to him when he picked it up.

Checked your Computer out. Removed what items I could to rid the pop-ups from the XP Home Security 2011 Malware trojan.

Changes: For some reason now when it boots up, you will have to hit “Esc” to continue the boot process. No harm, it just says Drive A has gone Bad. Could be a loose cable or the drive has just died. (Floppy Drive).
Sounds at times like Hard Drive trying to go out. It will die suddenly and without warning, suggest you replace it.

Superantispyware Scan ran from Safe Mode
Memory Items Detected 0
Files Detected 538

Registry Items Detected 64

Total Threats Detected 602

Scan Time 02:29:44
Malwarebytes scan
Objects scanned: 132868
Objects infected:33
Time elapsed: 1 hours, 7 minutes, 35 seconds.
Others found
Adware.Vundo.Variant 8
Browser Hijacker.Tubby 10
Adware.MyWebSearch/Fun/FunWebProducts 23
Adware.Vundo Variant/Rel 24
Adware.Tracking Cookie 536
One rootkit Alureon-G@mbr (rootkit) removed on Avast scan startup.

Avst boottime scan found:
Win:32 DNSChanger-VJ (trojan)
Alureon-G@mbr (rootkit)
Win:32:Downloader-Hiw (trojan)

Will it be back again, probably. I won’t be as quick or eager to fix it the next time. He’s single and turns out he frequents dating, gambling, and other sites of interest.

Do you have friends like this?