Programming TYT-9000D with Linux CHIRP

I tried using the software that came with the TYT programming cable months ago. On Windows it kept losing the location of the com port and you would have to do the dance of locating what port it was on and re-enter it only to have it loose it again a couple of boot ups later.

I decided since I was now using Linux (Mint) now instead of Windows I would find a Linux version. I located CHIRP a great program that installed flawlessly, and once I paid close attention and selected the correct Radio from the Options everything worked like a charm!

The instructions are on the website in the link above, but just in case something were to happen to it here they are again.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dansmith/chirp-snapshots
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install chirp-daily

Set the port and place your username where it says “username” found instructions on this page.
sudo usermod -aG dialout username

My settings for my TT–9000D 2 meter radio under “Radio” in Chirp.

I hope this helps anyone wanting to program their TYT Radio with CHIRP.

Comments welcome,

Adding Time Stamp to Twenty Eleven Theme (WordPress)

Okay,  I’m no coder but I do like to tinker and dig around if needed. The Twenty Eleven theme for WordPress has only the date on the Index page and on the post page as below. I searched on Google looking for someone who had done this. I absolutely could not find someone. That is why I am posting this so if anyone else with Twenty-Eleven would like to have the time stamp they can follow this.


I wanted the Date and Time to show. First I checked around and found out the php syntax for the Time. Using the Editor in the Admin>Appearance section I located teh two areas below. Then I had to search painstakingly for where to place the code. I located these areas in the two sections.

Search for “posted_on” (without the quotes) and locate this code section. Add the bold code below including the spaces before and after ” at “.

<?php if ( ‘post’ == get_post_type() ) : ?>
<div class=”entry-meta”>
<?php twentyeleven_posted_on(); ?> at
<?php the_time(); ?>

The next area was content-single.php

Again search for “posted_on” (without the quotes) and locate this code section and again add the bold code including the spaces before and after “at”.

<?php if ( ‘post’ == get_post_type() ) : ?>
<div class=”entry-meta”>
<?php twentyeleven_posted_on (); ?> at
<?php the_time(); ?>
You should now have the Date and Time showing on the index, and when viewing individual posts. I hope this helps someone as I know it was a challenge to find out how to do it on my own.posts

Comments welcome,


Is Samsung Spying on you? NO!

Well after the MIL coming in the office all excited because her son called from Texas extolling the dangers of the hidden spy chip in the Samsung phones, I had to research it as it is also making it’s rounds on FB.

CellPhoneIt seems some Pakistani guy made a video of a secret chip hidden in the wrapper of the battery of Samsung smart phones. Let’s put this one to rest.

  • There is an antenna sealed in the battery wrapper on some Samsung phones that connects to a small chip on the batteries. THIS IS THE NFC (Near Field Communications) ANTENNA. Removing the wrapper and the antenna and chip will disable a useful feature of your phone!
  • Samsung is to actually be commended for still producing phones with a removable battery that you can replace or carry an extra one for emergencies.

The antenna is hidden within the wrapper to

  1. Protect it,
  2. Make sure that you purchase an original Samsung battery for replacement to maintain your NFC capabilities because cheaper knock-off batteries probably won’t contain the antenna as an added cost. Just like Knock-off batteries for the older Droid phones don’t contain a “sensor” chip for battery level and gives a “?” error in the battery level.

It’s kind of comical in a way. Not since the guy that made a joke about removing the AOL.exe file from your computer would increase your IQ by 50 points has there been another thing like this to cause people to damage their own property. Of course I expected this from my BIL and SIL, after all she is the one that forwarded the “Send this email to 10 friends and Verizon will give you $25 off your next bill”. She fell for it hook line and sinker and I got an email from her and BIL.  :rofl:

So please don’t fall for the reports circulating.…ding-your-data/ 

Weather Station rebuilt


I have finally gotten the Weather Station for The Country Depot Forum totally up and running and updated the website. I have the software dedicated to run on another computer and uploading updates to Wunderground.




This is the webcam picture and other pertinent information regarding the conditions here at home can be found at the above link. While I am not in the optimum area like I was in the country at our last place (Clear view for 400+ feet in all directions and nearly 40 ft high) it still reads about the same as other stations in the vicinity.

Hopefully we will be listed with the other Weather Stations in the area soon.

Comments welcome