Computers: Only as smart as we are.

This is truly a Monday. If Murphy ever didn’t need any help to screw things up it was today. I managed all on my own to have deleted the database backup for Blog, not only the backup, but the backup to the backup.

Google Chrome decided to hiccup and make up it’s own cute favicons for the blog. After making sure it had not been some type of hacking, I was in the process of restoring the whole thing from a known backup. You guessed it, recent backup but missing the recent database. Only one I could find is two months old.

Checked on the laptop thinking surely I had taken a moment at some point in time to make a copy of the backup on another machine or the Passport. Nope as luck would have it, I exceeded my quota for dumbness in the last few months. I did manage to save this much, but a few posts from the start of the year are gone.

You can bet this old boy has a new backup and archival procedure in place starting this afternoon. If I had the time I would beat myself, however I can be thankful that it was not my main computer that had crashed. At least I keep a backup of it in two places on different machines just in case.

My extreme apology to anyone who’s comments I lost.

Enough of the pity me time, I have work to do!


Sat Comms from Chinese?

Well apparently our super efficient, secret Defense Department has leased time on a Chinese Sat to cover communications in Africa with troops. Are we that broke that we have to rent satellite time from hostile countries. Are we that stupid to use it for communications?

BTW, we are probably “paying” them to steal our communications. The one year contract will cost $10 Million US Taxpayer Dollars.

Oh, don’t worry, DOD has said ti has taken extra steps to “secure” communications over the satellite. I hope it is better than the total failure it exhibited in the Afghanistan fiasco when they didn’t include encryption for our Drones there, and the enemy monitored the video in real time using $26 software from the Internet. Reason? There wasn’t enough money at time of drone deployment to cover encryption, Whoops.

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