Into the Muck…

Many people don’t realize why plumbers get paid so much. Try working on a sewer pipe under someone’s home. That is the worst smell you will ever face. I can handle death and decay easier than that.

WTF is that smell!

We bought this place and the owner had told us that a plumber had not quite put the correct amount of drop on one of the lines and it might stop up every few months needing to be cleared. We have been here almost 2 years and no problems. Apparently the house shifted and a couple of joints in the waste line opened. This is when I got to see the “plumbers” work. It turns out from the neighbors that the elderly man who lived here simply sent his 12-year-old “plumber” grandson under there to piece pipes together and shore them up on blocks (that can settle). There was not a glued joint in the whole system.

The job took us about 2 hours counting 45 mins of slowly crawling through and removing what one might mistake as cotton candy. It was actually Spider webs, I hate Spiders. I was fortunate that last month I had the exterminator come out and treat the underside with something to kill them so they were few and far between but their handiwork was there.

Hopefully my repair will stand the test of time since I did it what we like to call “The right way” using glue and tying the pipes up with hangers to the underside of the home.

At least the job is done.

Large Whoopee Cushions on Wheels (Jake Brakes)

If it isn’t the loud jacked up trucks with Earth Mover Tires, then we get lambasted by the Pulp Wooder 18 wheel Trucks that slowly drive down the highway out front holding their “Jake Brake” Open. The item is an addition to the engine to assist it is slowing on steep grades by allowing the compression stroke of the Diesel to be vented straight to the outside air. This can result in a loud “blatting” or machine gun noise depending on speed. It also sounds like what a super massive Whoopee Cushion might sound like in slow motion.

For some perverse reason these pulp wood truck jockeys take pleasure in going byimages-4 slowly past the park and holding the device open. They are on a level grade and they keep it in a high gear and low-speed to keep the sound going as long as possible. There is absolutely no reason to cause the noise other than “look at me” factor. Of course when you look at them they usually have bald tires and ropes or cables hanging mysteriously from the truck.

Some municipalities and rural areas post signs forbidding the use of them in the area. I think they should give a hefty fine for using them when they are not needed, much like laying down on the horn as you drive along.

Comments welcome.

Weekend Trailer Park News! 062616

Fairly quiet except for someone firing fireworks (early 4th?) somewhere down the road. We do have a sports bike back in the park in the back some where but at least he waits till he hits the highway to try to kill himself. Meanwhile it must still be a full moon out there as within our 5 mile radius we have had mental disturbances, intoxicated and fighting families.

It made it to 104 today, I think I saw a bird using oven mitts to remove worms from the
hot mailgarden. No rain was expected so we had two thunderstorms roll through that blew over a tree just down the road, lit another on fire and tripped burglar alarms all over the area.

I did get to hear a Volunteer Fire Dept. Chaplain? Respond to a tree down in the road. No he wasn’t happening by, he actually responded to the call on his own and got out on the radio as Chaplain 1. Not sure if he was giving last rites to the tree or not. Just seems… weird.

Sorry, not to be rude, but let’s stick to helping the sick/injured and putting out the fires and save the preaching to my Preacher, call him.

Other than that nothing notable in the Park.

Has it been crazy around your place? or am I just lucky.

Comments welcome

Life in a Trailer Park June 18th News

Well, Friday went without a hitch except for the weather when we had a 38.7mph wind blow threw that lasted so long I nearly hunted a hole to crawl into.

Saturday is a different story. We have the same two that had a verbal ruckus a week or so ago at it again this morning. Scanner says one is cursing the other when they leave the house, and one is allowing their dog to roam loose. I’m wondering if it is a full moon
barney on for tonight. Two Sheriff units arrive and stay a while and then leave in good spirits. Maybe they made everyone hold hands and sing Kuum-by-yah or something. You hardly ever get anything in the county settled by law-enforcement. Not to mention response on this call was about 30mins. Good thing no one was shooting at one another.

Face it, your in the county all the city laws just don’t work out here, are not enforceable, or the county doesn’t want to waste the manpower. The County could issue a citation for the big ole dog running loose and it would probably solve the problem, it is a scary looking Rottie and the owner doesn’t keep it up, but then they would feel like dog catchers and they rather pass the buck to the county dog warden who has to cover an entire county and chances of him happening by when the dog is lose is like a snowballs’ chance in hell.

So the problem will persist until someone throws a punch or object and then someone gets arrested. Hey maybe this is just the way people entertain themselves in a Park.

Comments always welcome,