Weekend activity heating up.

Well after a quiet Friday night out here in the country things have picked up all day for a Saturday. Fires in the field, fires on the interstate medians, house fire in town, some fights and several wrecks one of which ejected all four occupants of one vehicle, two were children. At least the children were not severely injured we’re told.

Can’t wait to see what the night brings it being hot and now a slight sprinkle has made it muggy. Alcohol and heat, two things that don’t mi well. Maybe we will get lucky and have a calm Saturday night. We certainly don’t want people getting hurt.

I programmed in the frequencies of the FRS (Family Radio Services) today and was
scaneramazed at how many use them for traveling and business. Some of the frequencies are reserved for business but I heard many people on there that apparently were oblivious to that fact. Channels 8-14 are for low power unlicensed communication. The names they come up with on some businesses to call one another makes you laugh. On the other side I got more information from those traveling near the wreck today than from the excited shouting of the emergency crews. Never have figured out why they think they need to shout into the radios to communicate.

Best of luck to all while I sit here and contemplate the day that has passed and reflect on all that has transpired.

Trailer Park News for Weekend of 06/04/16

Let’s see. Yesterday a new person that moved in with a small camper instead of a regular sized trailer, called the Sheriffs on his neighbor. It seems she was burning some leaves and paper from her garden and stuff she picked up from her yard and he found the smoke to be obnoxious. Even though burning the garden debris isn’t illegal the Deputies came and spoke with her. The neighbor had just been to the fence asking what they were doing and just as friendly as he could be. Never mentioned the smoke was bothering him. Maybe it was the wrong type of smoke?

The wife noted some scraggly looking fellow giving an elderly woman a hard time trying
burglar to convince her he needed to cut her grass for gas money. He left when he notice my wife and another woman watching. Then not 4 mins before we pulled up our neighbor was walking towards our house to tell us she had seen a scraggly looking guy (probably the same one) trying to look into the window of my office but he suddenly jumped back and she could hear Max barking. He couldn’t see in due to the shades down and curtains closed but Max must have heard him and jumped at the window! He then looked in the windows of our Durango parked out front and moved on. Crack head probably.

I checked the area but it was beginning to rain so he probably went indoors. The Sheriffs office will be given a description to look out for him. My camera on that side missed him, maybe the scum filter was too high. I just added another camera so we should get a good mug shot if he returns. I guess he thought our car being gone was an invitation. Tonight I’m here alone with Max hoping he will make a return visit, Wife is gone to son’s house for a Supper.

I’m ready if he comes back, cold glass of Tea, Max and my attack Cat “Reboot”. Oh and my Pistol of course. From the description he sounds like the guy that knocked on the door at 11:30pm one night asking to use the phone because his Dad (The nice neighbor mentioned above) had kicked him out for being out too late.

He may not return knowing there is something large and ferocious sounding inside.

Comments welcome,

Broke a quiet streak.

I was just sitting here this morning thinking that there had been nothing to remark about here in the Park lately. Kinda quiet like and nearly 2 weeks since any thing out of the ordinary. Then again it’s a trailer park so what is normal.

Then just before dark for some unknown reason idiots start firing off “mortar” type
redneckfireworks fireworks just down the street. Now what fool shoots fireworks for Memorial Day. Maybe their brain was too saturated with booze to remember you do that on July 4th. Either way all the dogs in the neighborhood were losing their minds.

Called the county and while speaking with the nice lady on the phone I realized how dumb it was. This is the county! No law against blowing yourself or the neighbors up with fireworks. Heck, you can shoot your gun in the street as long as your not drunk or shooting at other houses or people. Sometimes city living has it’s advantages. So we sat and watched TV interspersed with “Whoomps” and booms from the fireworks till they ran out of them or passed out, whichever must have come first, but at least it’s quiet now.

We “almost” made it two weekends without any weirdness. Now shooting of fireworks in and of itself is not weirdness, but shooting them DOWN the street instead of in the air is a bit strange when they are huge mortar type fireworks designed to be fired into the air.

Comments welcome, if I can hear them.

Freaky Friday

Looks like it might be an active Friday. In Scanner news we already have one house fire in progress and one guy drunk and threatening to commit suicide in his front yard with a gun in his hand a short few miles from here. Says he will shoot any law enforcement that shows up. Jury is still out on that one right now. They should issue stupid crazy people guns like this. Then the only ones hurt are the crazies. Yea, sounds cold but I worked mental health 8 years. If your sane enough to get drunk and call attention to yourself, you’re not crazy, your drunk and want attention.

Update on our Motorcycle demon. He is of Mexican decent, living with or married to some southern girl of dubious intelligence with a 3 week old baby. He was over heard saying just before his disappearance last week that he had no Insurance, no license (and the motor had no tag) and the cops would never catch him. They caught him the other night as Karma apparently returned from a week-long vacation, he was leaving out like a Banshee and ran right up on the Sheriffs Patrol Unit sitting down the street waiting on him. He must still be in jail as we haven’t heard a peep out of that obnoxious motorcycle or seen him in a week now.

One ladies truck was broken into a few doors down and her stereo stolen. May not have been anyone from the Park though. Probably some local dope heads from nearby town looking for something to sell. Who steals Stereos anymore anyway.

Comments welcome,