Christmas Bow. A simple Christmas Poem.

Christmas Bow…

Christmas time was coming, and what had I to give?…
A heart that beats, just for you, as long as I shall live.
I tied a bow upon my head, and watched you laugh with glee…
And then we cuddled on the couch, and this you said to me.

Oh you’re such a silly man, but touch my heart so deep…
I had a dream, you were Santa Clause, and you were just too sweet.
You kissed me while I pretended sleep, and softly crept away…
And I knew that when the morning came, somehow you’d look this way.

A love like yours I once wished for, one Christmas long ago…
Someone to keep me warm at night, when skies begin to snow.
Here you are, and you’re a sight!, you make me feel so good…
I love you now, and forever more, and longer if I could.

So save the bow, and I will know, when I look at it each year…
That this is what I wished for once, and now you’re really here.
We’ll put it on the mantel piece, so all who come can see…
That this was simply the sweetest gift, you ever gave to me.

Ron Walker November 1998

Written for Michelle, Christmas 1998. We had nothing that year, after losing everything we had, due to a work place injury. A coffee can, with a branch from a pine tree in some dirt, with little ornaments, was our tree that year. At least we had a roof, warmth, and love.

18 thoughts on “Christmas Bow. A simple Christmas Poem.

    1. Thank you Stella, All my poems were written from life experiences. Some were written at the request of others, for something they were experiencing.

    1. Thanks Rooster, I was sure when I wrote that piece, that there were others just like us. Simply happy to be together. I’m glad to have met you and heard your story. Congratulations on 52 years.

  1. Very touching poem like the others have said. Wow, what a sweet man you are. I hope you and Michelle are still very close. 1998, lots of water under the bridge, huh? Keep your love and kindness, its special.
    So are your writings. Thanks for sharing your life on here.

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