Commemorative Pin from 2017, for a Motor Officer.

I am reposting this, as the original photos were missing.

I was contacted in 2017, by a Sergeant with the Broward County Florida Sheriffs Motor Unit. He asked for, and was granted permission to use part of my Motor Officers Poem,  on a piece for Motor Officers. This pin, or “coin” as he called it, was for a recently fallen Motor Officer of Broward County, Fl. (his unit number on the pin) I get requests often for permission to use the poem, but most of the time, it’s for the sad occasion of a memorial, for a fallen motor officer. It would be great to see it used for present officers as well.

Front View
Back View

I was truly honored to have received this copy of it. 

Many times I see it in a book, magazine, poster or etching, with “Author Unknown”.

While storing away a print-out of this, I noticed another great contact I made the prior year. I was touched by her email.

On 11/07/2016 06:28 PM, Eileen Rodriguez wrote:

Mr. Walker,

I’m writing you In hopes to getting your permission to have this beautiful poem of yours put on a plaque for my son in law, who is a motor officer with California Highway Patrol.  He works out of Santa Fe Springs, CA.  He keeps this poem in his phone and reads it daily and each time he reads it to me it brings tears my eyes.  I can only pray, hope and wish that all our officers are always safe while on and off  duty.

This would be a big and wonderful  surprise for my son in law  as a Christmas gift.

I will wait for your response.

Finding this item again, really brightened my day after a long hard week. Now I’m off to read and post on some blogs.

Comments always welcome

18 thoughts on “Commemorative Pin from 2017, for a Motor Officer.

    1. My brother and his son, and I we’re all motor officers at some point. Besides being a Park Ranger, it was the best part of my lifetime career.

  1. I cannot think of any better tribute to your writing, that serving officers and the families of those bereaved, take comfort in your timeless words. Well done indeed, Ron.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete. That was my intention. When I left the force in 1997, another officer was killed in the city next to us, in a motorcycle accident on duty. I decided in 1998 to pen that for all officers, past and present.
      Thank you for your kind words.

    1. Thanks, Larry. I loved it. My biggest love, besides riding and getting paid for it, was becoming a Police Motorcycle Instructor and teaching other officers that rode motors.

  2. Such a lovely poem, Ron! Like you, I would feel so very honoured to see it printed on the back of that pin!
    (BTW, I see you’re using Penscratch now, too! 😀 Just a tryout, or…? Looks so nice!)

    1. Thanks, Ellie. I noticed in an article once, a police chief had read it at a funeral service for a fallen motor officer. To have a high ranking official like that, think enough of it to use it was an honor.

      Yes, using Penscratch now. I think I will stick with it for a good while. Does everything I need it to. I used a css code to widen the width just a bit, and then choose a gray for the background. It was just too stark white for me.

      I also searched for a way I could add images or videos to my comments/replies on the blog. There is one plugin, but it would never work consistently from one post to the next. Then, I came across a post on a blog from 2013 that gave a method to do it. We all know how to add images and videos to our posts, but not the comment section. Or at lease I couldn’t. I did a video on it as well.

      Thanks for the comment.Please like and subscribe if you wish on YouTube.

      1. Wow, SO great!

        It’s so cool how you’re able to tweak themes to your liking, sometimes in ‘off-book’ ways, so to speak!

        My bg colour is a pale teal, as you know. (Though it’s not visible on my phone.)

        Re images in comments, how do you do it?? My boyfriend (fiancé!?) does it by typing in the URL of the image – but it has to be the only item in the comment. He can’t have both that AND other text in there too. WAIT WAIT WAIT! I just noticed your YouTube video URL above! Gonna watch it!

        Ok so cool, I understand now! But it’s only good for the blogger himself or herself. Because other commenters can’t edit their comments. Er… can they??

        1. I’ll need to check on that. I think some themes allow commenters to edit their comments. I think this because as I was researching how to get it done, I came across a plug in that allows you to set a time limit that others can edit their comment.

        2. Ellie, I found this one plugin. The free version allows you to set the length of time commenters can edit their post.
          Of course, as with all things in the wordpress ecosystem of plugins, to get more features youi have to fork over $20 for the premium version.

          You’ll have to let me know if the plugin is working here. If it is, you should be able to edit your comment.

            1. Hmm, no Ron, there’s no Edit button.

              OH WAIT, hahaha, it gives me about 3 minutes or so!! I had to be quick like a bunny!! Ha, that’s great though! Like if I saw a typo just as I was pressing “Reply” then I could go right back in and fix it! Okay, so what is this plugin called? Thanks!!

  3. Thanks, Elizabeth. It really seems to fit a blog better for me. Of course there are so many themes, there probably is another that is just as good. I just don’t have the patience to go through thousands of blog themes. 🙂

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