Do people actually click these Spammers!?

I can’t for the life of me imagine people actually clicking on a link that is sent to them uninvited. I guess it must happen a lot though judging by the stupid spam that come flooding in to this blog (which is blocked of course).

For about 4 months now I have had no spammers even trying. Then the last of April I posted about the ease of programming a TYT-9000D with Linux and CHIRP. A review of software for Amateur Radio and Linux. Now that post had absolutely nothing to do with Weight lose or T-Shirts but somehow I got back onto someone’s share list of “Let’s go spam this guy”. I had 100 spammers yesterday and 13 so far today. I love the good ole “Empty Spam” button.

Spammers are the lowest form of life there is, clogging up the internet with pure junk, of course we have those also that must click that stuff or they would not see so much money in it.

Comments welcome,

One thought on “Do people actually click these Spammers!?

  1. Sending sp*m costs next to nothing, so any suckers who click make it worthwhile.

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