Follow up with cable Technician.

Cutting the worthless cable?

As in the last post about the telephone support call, The scheduled technician arrived as planned. He had me go over what was happening, where the cable drop was located outside. He fiddled with his computer and phone and advised me that the signal to the house was fine. We then began trouble shooting from my computer. The connection decided thankfully, to drop out while he was loading web pages and running tests.

Still, unable to find the source of the problem, he opted for replacing the modem. Things started working well.

Before replacing the modem, he decided that the problem was my software, he said that my Firefox browser was not loading pages, but my Google Chrome was fine. So the fault was in my software. I then stated two other computers and Firefox was working all of a sudden just fine. He was looking for a quick fix, so he could get out of here. When I got him to wait a couple minutes till the connection started working again, I demonstrated that it was NOT my software, but something with their equipment. I think he could tell I was tired of the excuses and dodges, he decided to replace the modem

Long story short, it has been purring like a kitten since.

10 thoughts on “Follow up with cable Technician.

  1. Would’ve been cheaper to send you the modem without the technician. that’s what they did for us when our signal was dodgy (Before Fibre). Shame that wasn’t the problem.

    1. Turns out it was the modem Cathy. It would have been cheaper, but not many businesses care about cheap anymore, or quality.
      He activated the modem, and was about to leave when I noticed a small white box on my desk. I asked if it goes with him. “Nah, it’s just garbage, I throw them away.” He let me keep it. It was actually the AC adapter for the new modem. If I tried to buy one for the modem, it would be $15-$20 dollars. Plus the fact, that if you have a bad modem, it is a good idea, but not mandatory, to change out the adapter with it, in case the adapter is not putting out the proper power.
      Thanks for the comment,

  2. We went through some shenanigans with our TV cable a couple of years back. We have a parade of technicians come in including the supervisor. They couldn’t figure it out so they changed out their equipment and it worked like magic. Sometimes I want to smack them on the side of the head.

      1. There was one cable repair guy that was at my friend’s house. He fixed their problem in 10 minutes. She asked if he’d like a drink and then proceeded to spend 30 minutes shooting the bull over coffee. She asked if he didn’t need to leave (she was hoping!) but he said he was allotted a certain amount of time and it didn’t make sense to finish earlier. Go figure.

    1. I’m glad it’s fixed, Pete. I’m amazed at the people they have working for them at times. They concentrate more in installation than troubleshooting. I enjoy troubleshooting, and realize it can be hard when the problem is intermittent.

    1. I would have gone for the pie as well!

      Sorry for the delayed reply, I just found this in the spam folder along with one other persons. So I’m playing catch up.

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