Goodbye to Microsoft Vista (End of Life)

As of today, Microsoft Vista has reached ‘end-of-life’. There will be no further updates or support of any type for the operating system. Some loathed it, some had very few problems with it.

As I post this I am uninstalling Vista. I have used it since 2008. That Vista machine ran my 5 webcams for security around the house, and a weather station that sent pictures and weather updates to my weather website. I am changing that computer over to Linux now.

Vista served me well for the two simple tasks I needed it for. Now I need to find two replacement programs to for the weather and webcams, that run on Linux.

Do you remember your days with Vista? There were a lot of snags with that version as I recall, I was glad to move on up to Win7.

Comments Welcome.

14 thoughts on “Goodbye to Microsoft Vista (End of Life)

  1. Hmm, well I’m a Mac girl, but did use a PC for years at my various workplaces. I *LOVED* Windows XP. Why, I would’ve married it if I could’ve, that’s how much I loved it! LOL. But then, as you know: no more support. Boo hoo, just about cried my eyes out, and my co-workers too! We had Win 7 installed. Sheesh. Not only was there a learning curve with *that* but also with Office which somehow worked differently too… all the menu items were in different places, SO un-intuitive, SO un-user-friendly! Let’s just say I didn’t miss it, after I retired last June. Never used Vista. Never heard too much about it either way…

    1. My daughter is a upper tier support person for Apple. She works from home. I used Win7 but I LOVED XP, the best they ever had. Once they came out with Win10 I moved to Linux about a year and a half ago and haven’t looked back. Thanks for the comment Ellie, great to see you this evening.

      1. Hey! MY daughter is also a support person – for Automattic, the parent company of! She also works from home. (And gets to travel a ton, ay yi!)
        Don’t know Linux at all. Glad you found a platform you like!

  2. I had Vista. Once you figured it out, it worked ok for me. As I remember the first version of Windows 7 was a disaster. I’m happy with Window 10 now. Sometimes the changes are fabulous and sometimes they are not intuitive. I haven’t worked with Linux. BTW I also LOVED Windows XP!

  3. My daughter got along with Vista, but I was able to avoid it. XP was great. I rather like Windows 10 now. I remember lurching into new operating systems at work, so by the time I upgraded at home, the transition wasn’t painful.

  4. Like Ellie and Kate, I also preferred Windows XP. I had it on my first laptop, in 2002, and found it so easy to learn. When I got the more powerful PC in 2012, it came with Windows 7, and I have decided not to upgrade to 10.
    I love the look of Apple products, but cannot justify the cost of them here in the UK. (More than twice the price!) Example: This fully-featured Hewlett-Packard PC, with Intel i3, 1 TB hard drive, and 6 GB Ram, cost me £459. At the time, the equivalent MAC was £1105.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I decided to be a rebel and thumb my nose at Microsoft. I couldn’t afford Apple either, so I went with Linux , it’s free. I’ve used it about a year and a half now. You got a great price on your computer. Thanks for the comment.

  5. I never had Vista. I went from XP, which I really liked, to 7 and then to 10. No problems. Systems change so often I try not to get too attached. Progress marches on! 🙂

  6. Not getting attached seems to be the Microsoft way. Every time we get a system that works well, they go and change it. Thanks for the comment!

  7. I’m a mac girl. I used Vista once on my dad’s computer: I hated it! 🙂

    Sorry that it has been a tough change for you. It’s annoying when it changes.

    1. Yes, it’s been fun learning something else though. Plus it’s FREE, I like that part the most. Thanks for stopping by and commenting mary.

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