(House Hunting) The Log Cabin House.

We have decided to get out of this tiny box of a house and look for something larger while we have the money. This will be a chronicle of our house hunting and what we found or considered.

While driving down a road on the edge of town we noticed a paper sign at the end of a dirt driveway that led up into a secluded area. After calling the number of the company we got permission to look inside.

For starters, the driveway if you can call it that was so rough and potholed if we had not been in a elevated type of SUV we could not have gotten to the drive going to the house. That drive turned out to be just as bumpy. It led upwards climbing about 70 feet at a 30 degree angle to the house some 150 feet away nestled in the trees. The parking once you got there was barely adequate for one vehicle. Turning around and coming down was an exercise in nerves wondering if your visitors might panic and drive off the edge of the heavily wooded front area.

living roomThe house was like a log cabin having an inner wall of 2X8 wood and then split logs half on the outside wall, half on the inside wall. There had been severe termite damage to one corner which had been treated by a termite company. The outer logs had apparently NEVER been treated and suffered from wood rot at at times looked like termites had had lunch in it, but it was just wood rot. All in all it might have been doable except for upon stepping in the house which was huge seemed to be settling into the center of itself. The supports underneath were sinking and causing the floor on the first floor to dip a good bit. this twisting was popping the entire window frame in the ground floor out of the walls.

Even though it had a slight down payment, and low monthly payments to own, the structural problems negated buying it. The company selling it had purchased it as a bank repo 2 years prior sight unseen.


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