I sure miss the UPS, Ever since they put the extra “S” in. As in USPS, the last mile.

I sure miss UPS. Ever since they started handing off items to the USPS, I have a heck of a time getting anything on time, or undamaged. I’m not knocking anyone that works for USPS, they have problems that are not entirely caused by them.

Check out this post for a giggle.

I’m not sure how it is in other parts of the US, but the USPS is lazy in our area. I live in a trailer park. Sure, not all trailer parks are great places. I was shocked to find out after moving here, that the post office will not deliver any package to the door. It seems about 2 years ago, they had an irate person give a female postal worker a hard time. So they stopped deliveries to the whole park, citing safety reasons. Funny thing is, I have not seen a female delivery person in the two years I have been here.

I can see the mailboxes from my window, they are about 75 feet from me. Strangely enough, there is a USPS unit that comes from another town and delivers on Sunday, he comes to the house and leaves the package, he doesn’t work for this post office. With our PO, if it doesn’t fit, you have to drive 5 miles into the country and pick it up, hoping they are still open with the weird hours.

Some things get better with time, some don’t.

18 thoughts on “I sure miss the UPS, Ever since they put the extra “S” in. As in USPS, the last mile.

  1. I think our postal system is generally very good here, and it is a national service operating much the same all over the UK. Where we live, they will leave packages with neighbours, or in a nominated safe place. It is very different in large cities like London though. They leave a card if you are out, and you have to walk a long way to a postal sorting office (with no car park) to collect the item. This often means long queues to face too.

    I can imagine they don’t like to come onto your trailer park, judging by the stories you tell us on here, Ron. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. We do have some strange people from time to time. Then we have periods of calm. They’ll have to figure out an excuse of why they can’t get the mail in the right boxes. The boxes are marked nicely 1-30, the letters have Lot 1-30 on them, can’t be that hard. lol. We still get mail for the people that used to live here, it’s been two and a half years now. You’d think that is long enough with me sticking large labels in red that say “Moved: No longer lives here”.
      Then you get other people’s mail and you have to take it to the correct box. You’d think, matching a number on an envelope with a large number on the box wouldn’t be beyond their skill set. You have to laugh at it, if not you lose your marbles.

    1. It is rather frustrating. Makes you wonder what a person that can’t drive, has no friends or relatives close by, and receives medicine by mail. The reason not to deliver a package to the door may have been valid 2-3 or more years ago, but in fairness they should re-evaluate it. Of course that would mean they would have to get out of their vehicles then, and not finish their route as quickly.
      Forgive me please, I am just in one of those moods after they lost my package I have been waiting for. It’s coming from California, by way of Memphis Tennessee, and Atlanta Georgia. That is just too funny!

        1. Thanks, tracking says it will be here today (out for delivery), I had to laugh when I watched it go from CA to TN to GA and sat 2 days in GA. As soon as it gets here, or I go pick it up, I can fix something on my computer.

            1. I like that, sounds like you have back up plans all the way to a new one haha. It took 8 days to come from California. I could have hired the Pony Express! Love your comment, thanks.

  2. I can’t believe that decision. Why couldn’t they just refuse that one house? Here they will do that for an unconfined dog, but not the whole street.

    1. Sadly, I think it is a case of rural laziness. By denying the entire park, 30+ units, they save labor, finish the route faster. Your right that they should have restricted that one residence until the occupant moved etc. It’s like saying, because one person in a neighborhood, acted badly, they refuse the entire community. I wrote to the Inspector General, but you know how that goes.

  3. How annoying!!! Not so wonderful here either. I’m in the city, though not right downtown. If I miss the UPS delivery, I have to schlep a couple of miles on foot to the depot. I have no car. And brother IT’S COLD NOW! 🙁

  4. Oh yeah, thats pretty sad. And they get paid good, that makes it even worse. They have the best health system, vacations paid, sick leave. You’d think they would go out of their way to service the public.
    We live in the country and UPS, USPS and FedEx all deliver to our door. They even have to drive down our long driveway to get here. So it is the people at each post office that cause problems. And like you say, some are good and some don’t give a rip.

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