Ignorance, can be fixed. Stupid is forever. My Cynical Sunday, in the South.

Things you might need for this post. Air-sickness bag, sense of humor, compassion, wonder, ability to not lose your mind. Also, please turn off your horrible grammar filter, the examples contained within, are atrocious. There are times, when I can find the funny, in most things in the Trailer Park Kingdom.  Other times, I get full I guess, and have to let it out. Much like a capacitor needs to be drained at intervals.

I was really enjoying Saturday, then I met the new park owner/manager, and his “assistant” who lives in the park. They are doing a survey of how many pets each home has. Yea, my first thought too. The nice gentleman is the son of the (owner) of the park. He was polite and well-dressed. For some unknown reason, they feel the need to make sure there are not too many pets in the park. Then he asked the stupidest question, “Do you have any of your 5, that you could do without?” First thought in my mind, was we will need a new park flunky, after Michelle dismembers him. Michelle asked him if he had kids, and if he would give up any of them. It was a tense moment, lasted way to long,  but I survived. Michelle let him live.

“YouTube Boy”

The 16-year old and his Mom drop by. Seems she needs Michelle to take another look at her son’s ear. Let’s go ahead and assign him a park name, even though they don’t live out here, “YouTube Boy”. I stand there listening to this exchange, as the mother explains she hasn’t gotten him to the doctor yet. Michelle glances at me, and I just shrug my shoulders. She looks for a good while and then announces she can see nothing moving, or black like before. Take him to the doctor, please! Earwigs don’t eat holes in the ear canal, it is something that is carnivorous apparently.

Sometimes, you have the compassion of a rock.

 It has been 6 days! The young man has already slept, attended school, and watched countless YouTubes, while listening to a crunchy sound, as he described it 6 days ago. Again, Michelle tells the mother to get him to a doctor, and have it checked. She can’t see anything, but there are two holes in his ear canal. Mom says, “Maybe, it just came out”. I said, “Maybe it went the other way, it won’t stay long I’m sure”. The Mom giggles, the boy just grins big. Michelle says, “RON!, sometimes you have the compassion of a rock!” I head on back to the man-cave and peace. I have ?compassion, just a low tolerance for repeated stupidity.

Maybe it did leave, maybe it died of overexposure to YouTubes. Maybe… it’s still munching away, in sweeter hunting grounds. (Apply air-sickness bag here)

Apparently, we haven’t moved the intelligence needle one bit.

You have to wonder how we come to accept mediocrity and below, in those chosen for positions of responsibility. I was researching something, and ran across some fantastic grammar examples. I thought of our friend Ellie, how she would so enjoy this horrible stuff. These are reviews posted on the Internet, by security guards that were supervisors. Apparently, we haven’t moved the intelligence needle one bit. I was reading this same drivel in 1977, from a Park Ranger supervisor over 12 Rangers, he was attending college. So let’s have a laugh.

It OK just some of the supervisors shoe favoritism certain people vet away with a lot of stuff and some get fussed at or sent home and also fired they just not right

The best one ( I removed city names, they were deep south)
Supervisor (Major) over 40 Security employees
I was in management, on the Cost of xxxxxx I ran the Port of xxxxxx Security side. I was a Major in rank. Working with the Port Police was very enjoyable they were there for my security officer, When the company was not. I found it hard to talk with my higher up, trying to get what my officer needed , the officer would call the main office in Florida to found out about what they ask me take care of, Also including the Port Police request, the office would tell them they did not know about it.or I did not take care of it, it got to the point I would cc in the officers and the Chief of of Port Police so they would no when office was not tell the truth. I was ask to step down as the Major of the Port of xxxxxxx or be fired . And to tell the Port Police it was my idea. I did so because I had a family that had to take care of. I found a job and left 3 weeks later. The officers that work for me all 40 of them were wonderful and so was the Port Police. I miss all of them , But I was told if I tried to go to Head Quarters they would ruin me. So main office thinks I step down. I will not subject this company to anyone. And would talk to HQ now if they want to know what was going on then.


Time for me to go, I need to check on what appears to be a paper plate, that has been energetically disassembled in the living room.

Comments welcome,

28 thoughts on “Ignorance, can be fixed. Stupid is forever. My Cynical Sunday, in the South.

  1. Shame. I would love to have known what was actually in that boy’s ear. Now we might have wait until the postmortem! 🙂
    People with no pets are never going to get the attachment to them, that’s for sure.
    That grammar was no real surprise. I have had supervisors who wrote just like that in my time.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Hi Pete, not much surprises me anymore, I take it as entertainment.I see it over and over.
      Michelle always says, The more she meets people, the more she loves her animals. Thank for the comment.

    1. I have scratched a bald spot on my head, wondering the same thing. It’s as if nothing has happened. Neither one seem to be concerned. Both of them, may be a few fries short of a happy-meal.

  2. OMG. Shocked silence…
    Okay, now I can speak. Barely. So re the bug in the ear, I for one would not let that kid anywhere within 10 feet of me, maybe more. Who knows when the thing might get annoyed in there for lack of brain material to eat, and come zooming out in search of MORE, in which case it might head towards YOU or MICHELLE. Gaaaa!!! Earwigs, HATE EM. Had a house once that got infested. Enough said. 🙁 🙁

    Re the grammar, oh the Internet highways and byways are FULL of crapola like that!! Here’s just one example I saw yesterday: “All of my father’s brothers worked at the Montreal Star and then the Gazette. Dispatchers, typesetters and printers. A very long history all tolled.” There are lots more but I’m too tired now. 😀

    1. It gave me the creeps, when he sat down near me. Great thought, I actually had to bite my tongue, to keep from saying, if it went further, it wouldn’t stay long, due to lack of things to eat.

      I tolled her, if they didn’t git him to a docter soon, it could cause him pane.

  3. I had a student named “Lawn” because that was apparently how the parents thought Lon was spelled. I have seen every kind of grammar and spelling weirdness, but your example may have taken the cake. Thanks.

    1. Now, that is just too funny Elizabeth. I love it. Here in the deep south, we keep it simple. Just wave, and shout “Bubba!” Nine out of ten times, you’ll have the right person.

    1. There are some normal ones, thank goodness. They are in town, or at least, outside of the park. You can tell, that the park has calmed down some from what it was before. The managed to get the 14 illegals moved out of a rental single-wide. The kid that liked to knock around his wife, and run up and down the highway on his motorcycle, was arrested, and he never returned. I’m just waiting for new funny material to move in. Wait, that sounded better, in my head.

  4. Kudos to Michelle for her self control and the youtube mom for her remarkable coolness at times of adversity. About the spelling mistakes, what can I say ? Poetic license ?

    1. YouTube Mom, now there’s a subject all it’s own. Have you ever met someone, and after observing them for a bit, you just wanted to snap your fingers in front of their face, to see if they are still on the right channel.
      Thanks for the comment Susie.

  5. Just when you thought you heard it all! People never cease to amaze me! The YouTube Boy has mae me lose my appetite for breakfast! Now I know that there are some people who run to the Dr over every little thing, but….You Tube Mom seems to be direct opposite!! I sure hope you have a post soon that says they went to the Dr!
    As for the question about your pets, Michelle handled it perfectly. If that guy is smart he will NOT ask that question again! But i am having my doubts about his smartness!

    1. I just checked, Michelle says as of today, they have not been. I guess since we couldn’t see it anymore, they think it is gone. I think, there must have been some serious paint chip consumption at one point, with the Mom.
      The new guy seems nice enough, but they should worry about the reckless drivers, and the dogs running loose out here against the rules. They are goofy asking people what animals they have inside their homes. Thanks for the comment, nice to see you.

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