I’m not “Part” American, I’m 100%

Forgive me, but something I read today led me to realize how many people are “part American’s” now days. A gentle man came over here from Greece in the early 1900’s taught himself English by reading the newspaper front to back. Whenever he was asked if he was Greek American he would set them straight by telling them he was  “American”.

Far too many of our different citizens act as though they are first part something else, and American as an afterthought. They are Native American,  African American, Hispanic American. To hear them tell it, you’d almost think that there are no true Americans anymore.

Nothing wrong with heritage and being proud of your Race or Ethnicity. Why not be proud of being an American first and foremost. We have more interested in displaying what they might be a part of, than displaying what they are actually a part of.

Want to be someone special? Be American!!

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