Intro to Gutenberg Editor for WordPress. Adding text and graphic together.

I apologize for the length, it’s much longer than I wanted. That is the beauty of the stop button. Watch what you desire, or slide through the video till you see something that interests you. I nearly put myself to sleep listening to it.

The second video, is for those looking for a way to have text and picture on the same block. Like the wrap-around we have in the present editor. I hope it helps someone that is playing with the Gutenberg beta for WordPress.



Adding text and graphic on same line/block.

Comments, or questions, welcome.

12 thoughts on “Intro to Gutenberg Editor for WordPress. Adding text and graphic together.

    1. Your welcome Kate. Maybe when I have more time, I can replace that with a more polished one. I was short on time, so I’m sure I can do better when I get more time.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. We down south men, sound funny. There is talk it will be in the next major release of WordPress (Version 5) No exact date yet, but they had said 2018. I’ll let you all know, if I hear anything new.

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