Is it just me? Or do some proofreaders have a fourth-grade education.

While researching a subject for a future post, I came across a website that offers to proofread your content. While reading the long list of virtues for the grammar checking tool, I immediately thought of my sweet friend Ellie, our grammar cop.

The entire page extolled the benefits of using their service. Problem is, it appears they use it as well. I only grabbed a very small sampling. We all know, I am not a grammar scholar, so I ask you to see if I am in desperate need of caffeine, or this proofreader is actually “A few fries short, of a Happy Meal”.

Professional proofreading online tool provides you free essay proofreader service. It proofread your papers without grammar, spelling & punctuation mistakes.

Professional online editing and proofreading service proofread your research papers with more precisely that no standard grammar rule will be ignored. We offer grammar check, spell check and punctuation checker that makes your essay error free. Online proofreader supports English grammar, Spanish grammar, French grammar, Chinese grammar, Japanese grammar, Russian grammar, and more 20 other languages.

Our free automated proofreading software is programmed to proofread your research papers or blog posts precisely with in-depth analysis. We use special software technology that ensures each and every grammar rule will consider while checking. We have advanced grammar suggested English words and phrase database that suggests you multiple grammars suggested word or phrase to fix your spelling and grammar errors. Our grammar & spell check will detect writing style error, misused words, spelling errors and grammar mistakes that other simple sentence checker tool will not detect.

More time is wasted with me correcting my spell checker. I typed illegal immigrants the other day, and it suggested to me, it was not proper, and suggested undocumented or unidentified. There must have been some backlash for forcing political correctness, as it no longer appears now.

The world, is just in too big of a hurry. Do you have problems with your proofreading software?

Comments always welcome,

14 thoughts on “Is it just me? Or do some proofreaders have a fourth-grade education.

  1. Perhaps with the availability of self-publishing, those with a questionable education in the English Language are writing and will not know that the “software tool” is just plain incompetent. …. and I ain’t not got nothing else to say … right … okay?

  2. That company sounds like some sort of foreign scammer to me, Ron.
    As for software, I don’t have any. Just me, reading it a few times before I hit ‘publish’. If it’s wrong, so be it. I can always edit later, if anyone notices. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

  3. I chatted with our house guest last night and wondered about proofreaders. He is a published author, and he had a starting statement. He said some publishers have no proofing services at all. It’s up to the author. They print what you give them, mistakes and all.

  4. I think that service has a case of “Doctor, heal thyself”. 😀 Yes, our Grammar Cop will laugh at this! I am a terrible typist so I have to read my blog posts over and over to catch all the mistakes.

  5. Oh. My. God. I’m alternating between laughing and, well, retching! You know I’m a professional Grammar Cop, Ron… and thanks for the shout-out! So I’m realllllly ticked off at this. I hope not too many suckers – I mean people – fall for it. There’s no such thing as an online grammar checker, really. You need a human being. The above horror sounds like it was done by Google Translate, which is, as most of us know, horrendous. Here, your post made me think of an oldie I did a few years ago. Enjoy!

  6. I agree with Ellie that it must be run by the Google Translate folks. I also howl at the auto-correct feature on messages. It did, however, give my family the new phrase “okey dorky! So there is some inadvertent fun.

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