It must be my lucky day.

First, apologies all around if you have to click that *&%@ cookie bar, thingy, what-cha-ma-call-it. The update to the cookie plugin crashed, I had to apply it again. Hopefully it remembers everyone.

How can I be so lucky in one day. Three exciting spam emails!


I’m using the new Gutenberg editor, have been for the last few months. Trying to get used to it before they just dump it on us. They have improved how some features work, but a block editor lends itself more to web page design, not blogging. They don’t even know if there will be a spell check in it, and current add-on spell checkers don’t work. You have to click on each block, one – at – the – time. Run the spell check, click the next block, repeat. 

I’ll leave you with best wishes and a short video I made a few days ago. Then, I will tackle my office closet and try to wrestle some semblance of organization into it. I will be around to visit all of your blogs.

Comments always welcome, 

13 thoughts on “It must be my lucky day.

  1. I’ve been hearing mixed reviews about Gutenberg. Some good things but some sort of deal breakers. Not excited about spellcheck but I usually (not always) write in Word and paste it over. I haven’t tried it yet.

    1. They are still fine tuning it Kate. It’s getting better every time, but I wonder how they are going to handle grammar and spell check. Someone will hammer out a plugin for the spelling I’m sure, but they have to wait till the developers are through tinkering with it. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Love the hummingbird video!

    I tried it briefly but need more time to work with it.

    Congratulations-You have now won 3 million euros! Please send your bank information! 😀

    1. Like anything new, just a learning curve. I wish they had simply improved the original editor. It may have been in use a long time, but it was so intuitive. Thanks for the comment, I’m glad you enjoyed the Hummingbirds.

    1. They certainly are, and they soon get used to you being around if your careful. I stepped out the front door one day, and they just kept feeding as I walked by.

  3. Ron, this post notification was marked with a warning by G-Mail.
    I reckon it must be the texts of the emails that triggered their ‘ scam-bots’. 🙂

    Lovely to see the hummingbirds, which we don’t have in Britain.

    I’m not looking forward to any changes on the blogging platform. I still haven’t switched from the ‘Old Editor’ yet!

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Hi Pete, I think that notification email probably had a snippet of the post. Like a dummy, I forgot that gmail would scan the contents for familiar looking strings, and as you say, me including the actual email contents drove the spam filter bonkers.

  4. I can’t seem to get the like button to register, but I liked this a lot. Most impressive, no one drove up on your lot while the bird ate!

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