It snowed today, our world, stood still.

Others laugh when I describe our region after a snow. Our world stops, dead. This is the south, center part of the south really. We used to see snow maybe, once every 6 or so years. Then came global warming, no wait, that’s supposed to make it hotter? But it snows more? That line of thought gives me a headache.

Schools are out early (But I have a plan!)

Areas 50 miles north of us see snow nearly every year. For the last 10 years, we have had it at least, once every other year. Then it is only a little and gone in an hour or so. Today, we have a full on blizzard looking snowfall. It is covering everything in about 3 inches so far. Schools are out early, cars are plowing into power poles, the ones that miss the poles are filling the ditches. This is an interesting area when your county law-enforcement supervisors, feel the need to announce over the radio, to advise all units to use caution while driving. Really?


Who wants to get their man-card suspended

Drivers here just scoot along like it’s talcum powder on the roadway. Snow chains? Rednecks use them on hunting boots during Deer season, not on tires. They laugh, who wants to get their man-card suspended for using silly chains. On Facebook right now, those with the huge trucks sporting the 40-inch wheels, and elevated up in the air by 3 feet, are asking if anyone needs a tow from a ditch. Sure, pull them out of the ditch, just how far are they going to go once they are freed, just down to the next ditch? Pole? That is the thinking in these parts, scary I know. The big tires, and jacked-up ground clearance, will count for zilch on icy roadways.


I heard Russia has offered Alabama, use of their old snow-plows.

Of course even in this crazy weather We have the trailer park denizens to enjoy. Johnny Reb took a ride around the park, cutting through our yard. Typical of him he had to do it fast in the snow. Dressed all in black, hoodie up to cover his head, he almost reminded me of the Grim Reaper. His stumpy self nearly met the reaper, as he veered through our yard sliding  very close to the ditch, He apparently didn’t realize how slippery that mush was. Of course, it was over before I could get my phone camera going.

David the maintenance man, was seen tooling through the snow fall on his way to his buddies house. I heard him coming a block away. Several vehicles have exited the park onto that roadway playing. One went side to side spinning tires, another did a complete 360, probably needs a change of pants. They do it on purpose! To think they also breed… 

The snow is still falling, the coffee is making, and the fireplace is warming up. See you all later.

17 thoughts on “It snowed today, our world, stood still.

    1. It is still out there Kate, even though we made it to arounde 43F for a good part of the day, we still have patches of snow. Thanks for the comment.

  1. Be happy that it doesn’t stay all winter.

    You sent some here.

    People never travel to weather conditions.

    Have some hot chocolate by the fire.

  2. Oh my goodness. ha ha ha. Ron, you sure have a way with words. I love it. I sure wish we would get some snow. You guys got more then we have all this winter season so far. AND THIS IS COLORADO. We are suppose to get the snow, not you. Well, don’t go out in it and take a chance to get hit by some showoff. ha ha. Stay warm and safe. Great write up!

    1. Thanks for the comment Sandy. I stayed home, didn’t have anywhere that I just had to get to. I hope you get your snow, ours has moved out of the area, as of this morning.

  3. Connecticut is now getting the same storm. For us, it is very light at 3-6 inches, but the kids are out making their first snowman of the year. Enjoy those redneck racers!

    1. Stay safe Elizabeth. I think the rude guy “Johnny Reb” we call him, in the motorized wheel chair, nearly going in the ditch was the funniest so far.

  4. Love your snowy wallpaper effect!!
    Now it seems you’re on your way to the snowfall my other WP blogging pal got – 8 inches!! She’s in the mountains of North Carolina, do you know her? Anne Mehrling? What state are *you* in, Ron? Of course, up here in Montreal we LAUGH at your angst!! Well, not literally, but… we just get used to it. But STILL HATE IT!!! The worst is – for those who have cars, which I no longer do – the ***damn SHOVELING!!!! Arghh.
    Anyway. As your first commenter Kate Crimmins said up there – enjoy before it melts…. and it starts over again? 😀

    1. Thanks Ellie, I found it in the plug-in section on WP. Yes, I have commented on Anne’s blog. I visit there often.

      I am in Alabama, right in the middle of it. I’m glad we only get a dusting every great once in a while. It usually doesn’t last but a few minutes on the ground. Cutting grass every week, is workout enough for me. Shoveling snow would just drive me nuts! Have a great night Ellie.

      1. Oh silly me, I must’ve forgotten that you visit Anne’s blog too! Well it sure is a crazy winter so far; I sure hope it gets better for you southerners!! Take care!

  5. We had that much snow over the weekend, and most of the UK is in chaos as a result. Airports closed, schools closed, roads at a standstill, and travel disrupted all over. And we were expecting it! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

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