It’s time for an “American” controlled Government: Vote A la Carte


No, I’m not disparaging those of other races or generic nationality that run for office. I’m talking about electing our government A la carte. Too much emphasis is put on voting your party. Republicans can’t get together to decide where to have lunch most of the time, Democrats are all looking for ways to give away what we don’t have.

Somewhere among all of them are the ones that are true Americans. They are hampered by the Party Title and therefore sometimes get left out or not voted for. How many times do we fuss about the cable channels we are forced to endure because of “packaging”. We long for the ability to be able to choose a la carte exactly the channels we want and can use.

Is there a law that says we have to pull just one party lever or the other? Or are we just that lazy and don’t care. If we could break our party habits, we would not have a Republican or Democrat controlled Congress/Government, but an American controlled government populated by those that care about us and America and not re-paying promises to a party that helped get them in office.

When you go to the polls, look at it like an ultra important menu. One that you will ultimately pay for after selecting the daily special or ordering a la carte. Which do you really want to pay for, something selected for you, or what you really want.

In the next elections, let us eat well of what “we the people” want, not what the powers that be think we need.

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