Light at the end of the tunnel.

What a strange journey it has been. As I mentioned in my last post back in May, I was to begin a hormone therapy for my low energy level and just overall exhaustion. It took longer than anticipated, due to scheduling around here. I started a month later than intended, so this is just my fifth week of the weekly shots. Within three weeks (three shots) my thinking and moods had improved. Not sure if they were supposed to work that fast, but I can say I’m certainly glad.

Slowly fading away

Before starting on the treatment, I had reached the point of wondering if I would even wake up from the next nap. That is how weak and uninterested I had become, mentally foggy all the time. There were times I actually felt like I was just fading away towards some ethereal destination. No desire to do anything, No sign of creativity for blogging or posting to my own forum that I have operated for the past 13 years. I’m not sure what all the bodily systems are that get governed by this male hormone, but it was a feeling I hope to never have again. Just slowly fading away each day, getting weaker as time progressed.

Apparently, it was a subtle change

The flip side of this coin is more energy and desire to do things. Another condition I have noticed is my eyesight. I had gotten to the point that even reading glasses wouldn’t help me when on the computer for a long time. I realized over the last two weeks, that I am not wearing my reading glasses, or my prescription glasses to use my smartphone. Apparently, it was a subtle change, but a welcomed one. Sitting here now with the browser set on 90% zoom, where in the past months I had cranked it up to 110% zoom and that was with my reading glasses. Could it be that the hormone affected muscles in the eyes causing them to be weak and not focus after a short period?

Of course, a sudden renewal of energy tends to lead to overdoing things a bit. In the last two weeks, I repaired the washing machine, built an eight-foot workbench in my shed and stained it, fixed Michelle a she-shed area for her crafts, trimmed and fitted a door to the office here. This comes at the price of intense back and neck pain at times, but I can tell you it’s worth it at this point to once again feel like participating in the world. I’m looking forward to getting back in here and visiting all of you and trying to create things to post about.

“What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.”

22 thoughts on “Light at the end of the tunnel.

  1. Welcome back to the world Ron. So glad that you were immediately creative, even at the expense of your back … I can totally relate having had a lower back issue for the past 50 years. So what are you building next (and keep some Advil handy!)? 🙂

    1. Yes, Colin. Mine was injured over 20 years ago. They have had me on all types of medication, I am very careful however, as I never want to become addicted to anything. I take half of what they prescribe and only the actual dose when absolutely needed. I was on Fentanyl patches, but it didn’t seem to work, so they have me on Norco and Zanaflex now for pain and muscle spasms. So glad to feel alive again! I’d rather deal with the pain, than not feel like I’m alive.

    1. Right you are, Janis. I turned 69 on the 16th of last month. I’ve never acted my age until the last year and I felt like I was 99. It’s great to have desire to do things and the energy to do them again.

  2. Yes, I am doing so much better mentally and strength wise. Working to get my stanima back up and the muscles back in shape. I had no energy at all for exercise, and it was telling on me.

  3. I’m thrilled to hear you have a new lease on life. It has obviously affected everything in sight, and I am eagerly waiting for your desire to write to kick in.

            1. Yes, Anne. He can have mine. I don’t do heat anymore. After several years of riding a police Harley motorcycle in the Summer heat with a dark blue polyester uniform, I’ve had my time in that oven!

  4. Thank goodness you took the initiative and saw a doctor and are feeling like your old self. I really should go and get a physical as it’s been a long time. I have been on allergy shots for decades and have to see the doctor once a year (the rest of the time I just get shots from a nurse or PA). Last Fall during the allergy doc visit, all they do is look down your throat, in your ears, thumb your back and take your blood pressure. The doctor told me my blood pressure was high – I said “I’ve never had high blood pressure and making me remove my mask to look down my throat in this COVID era no doubt raised my BP, like my ire.” She said “see a doctor for it.” I did not but I DID buy a wrist BP monitor and most of the time I’m “high normal” but occasionally above. I Googled and researched and learned that many of the things I was not eating during 2020 as I avoided going to the store for perishables, relying on canned or powdered items, but ate my entire life (oranges, grapefruit, bananas) meant I was low on potassium. So I’ve stepped up that and am eating so many blueberries I may turn blue one day. I hope this year, I get a better report. I’d rather not go on any meds if I can help it, just vitamins.

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